16, but also in part on autonomic blockade17, the day-night rhythm in heart rate is attributed to high vagal tone during sleep and changes in ionic conductances (as a result of apost-translationalregulation of the corresponding ion channels) in the pacemaker of the heart, the sinus node. ...
16, but also in part on autonomic blockade17, the day-night rhythm in heart rate is attributed to high vagal tone during sleep and changes in ionic conductances (as a result of apost-translationalregulation of the corresponding ion channels) in the pacemaker of the heart, the sinus node. ...
Pulmonary veins (PV) are involved in the pathophysiology of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. In the rat, left atrium (LA) and PV cardiomyocytes have different reactions to α1-adrenergic receptor activation. In freely beating atria-PV preparations, we found that electrical field potential (EFP) origi...
Cine MRI based deformation registration algorithm (DRA) (software name: TrufiStrain, Siemens Healthcare, Medical Imaging Technologies, Princeton, NJ, USA) is a novel technique for analysis of strain. DRA allows myocardial strain on a pixel basis, which was recently demonstrated to have superior ...