encompassing various conditions such as white spot syndrome, Taura syndrome, and yellow head disease. However, among the major bacterial diseases in crustaceans, vibriosis stands out as one of the most severe in aquaculture. It is estimated that approximately 60% of disease losses in shrimp aquacul...
The multi-level benefits that marine organisms gain when protected from fishing are well acknowledged. Here, we investigated the effects of a 40-year trawling ban on the status of targeted and non-targeted marine species within a major fishing ground in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea (Thermai...
Also other decapods can form oval to circular holes in corals: subcircular holes are produced by the shrimp Pomatogebia operculata70, by using their chelae71; oval to subcircular pits are made by the crab Domecia acanthophora72; subcircular holes are made the snapping shrimp Alpheus73; ...
and human health appear sensitive for the dosage but not for the form of N. It is yet imperative to reduce the input of “new” N as much as possible, so as to minimize adverse environmental effects. Measures to this end are a more precise assessment of crop N requirements, a better t...
problem” than a health hazard. The perception in online public media that tilapia coming from ponds fertilized with manure are heavily contaminated with pathogens has not been supported by evidence. The perspectives of farmers in two major tilapia production areas (China and the Philippines) are in...
Infectious diseases not regulated by host density, such as vector-borne diseases, have the potential to drive population declines and extinctions. Here we test the vector potential of the snail Drupella sp. and butterflyfish Chaetodon plebeius for two co