A scientific name is a genus name or a species level name with genus followed by species or a name below the species level with genus, species and subspecies information. It can also be a higher order taxonomic name like family, order, etc. A scientific name is one of the named entities...
The discovery of the hepatitis B virus and the invention of the vac- cine: a scientific memoir. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2002;17(Suppl):S502-3.Blumberg, B.S., 2002. The discovery of the hepatitis B virus and the invention of the vaccine: a scientific memoir. Journal of gastroenterology ...
This paper presents a new procedure for vaccine design against highly variable viruses such as Hepatitis C. The procedure uses an optimization algorithm to design vaccines that maximize the coverage of epitopes across different virus variants. Weighted epitopes based on the success ratio of immunological...
all of above ITS sequences never clustered with B.appendiculatus from European to a clade.The result showed that the scientific name of Huangjun at Guidong County should be B.speciosus,and so-called B.apppendiculatus(Huangdian) in Zhejiang would be also changed to B.speciosus.It is an ...
Hepatitis C Virus antiviral agents to show inhibitory activity against Mproand coronavirus17,18,19. Based on structural similarities of the HCV NS3/4A protease and Mpro, several authors suggest that a variety of NS3/4A inhibitors would be effective against SARS-CoV-2 main protease12,13. Also,...
The major danger is parenteral inoculation of a staff member. Fomites and droplets must be considered as well. The role of small particle aerosols in inter-human transmission continues to be controversial. We believe that the aerosol infectivity observed for these viruses in the laboratory and the...
The objective of this lab is to find the relationship between tensile stress and strain for various materials. The Stress-Strain Apparatus stretches (and in some cases breaks) a test coupon while it measures... Demo: Conservation of Center of Mass in an Explosion ...
Use of cookies/Do not sell my data Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at www.springernature.com/us). Scientific American maintains a strict policy of editorial independence in...
Each of the 14 main meridians used in classical acupuncture is identified by its name in the Chinese phonetic alphabet (Pinyin), its Han character name, a proposed name in English, and a two-letter alphabetic code derived from the English name. The 361 classical acupuncture points, organized ...
Recent development of hepatitis B virus (HBV) culture systems has made it possible to analyze the almost all steps of the viral life cycle. However, the reproducibility of interaction between HBV and host cells seemed inaccurate in those systems because of utilization of cancer cell lines with a...