Caimito Sapotaceae HUPS-sp-002 Alimentary, cosmetic, moisturizing, antiacne, psoriasis, bronzer Leaves, plant stem Oil extraction Topical application, ingestion Native 22 Citharexylum poeppigii Walp. Nacedero Verbenaceae HUPS-ve-001 Affections of upper air tract, digestive problems, headache, menstru...
Caimito Sapotaceae HUPS-sp-002 Alimentary, cosmetic, moisturizing, antiacne, psoriasis, bronzer Leaves, plant stem Oil extraction Topical application, ingestion Native 22 Citharexylum poeppigii Walp. Nacedero Verbenaceae HUPS-ve-001 Affections of upper air tract, digestive problems, headache, menstru...