As one of the most diverse groups of invertebrate animals, mollusks represent powerful models for neurobiological and developmental studies. Neuropeptides and peptide hormones are a heterogeneous class of signalling molecules involved in chemical communi
Microbes are ubiquitous. They can be found everywhere, from radioactive waste to the human gastrointestinal tract. In and on the human body, they have evolved to co-exist with their host, and it is estimated that the number of microbes hosted by the human body is of the same order of ma...
A friend observed that Elon Musk is remaking Central Texas with companies that bore (rock), move (electric trucks), launch (space ships), and link (your brain). And yes, it seems that the South African native opted for this most business-friendly of states over progressive California. He’...
[34] and two novel γ-hydroxybutenolide sesterterpenes from the Mediterranean coralCladocora cespitosashowed a protease inhibitor activity [35]. Other marine compounds such as sesterterpenoids cladocorans, their diastereomers and analogues showed PLA2inhibitory activity [36]. Anthozoan orders Alcyonacea ...
of ingested marine debris in wild-caught juvenile coral trout,Plectropomusspp. (Family Serranidae), from the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) World Heritage Area (WHA), Australia. Coral trout from the genusPlectropomusare large piscivorous teleosts and constitute most of the commercial and recreational ...
scoop-shaped proboscis in front of the mouth which gives the animals their common name. This proboscis resembles that of peanut worms but it cannot be retracted into the body. It houses a brain and may be homologous to the prostomium of other annelids.[15] The proboscis has rolled-in marg...
and mutations due to CpG methylation was considered a major cause for such codon bias57and therein. Codon bias was observed also recently in the reef-building coralAcropora millepora57, and linked to mosaic methylation in this species. Again, phylogenetically old genes which are constitutively expres...
ciliated duct of the neural gland; cg: cerebral ganglion; es: endostyle; hc: maemocytes; ht: heart; las: left atrial siphon; int: intestine; lbr: larval brain remnants; ng: neural gland; oes: oesophagus; os; oral siphon; osm: oral siphon muscle; pyc: pyloric caecum; ras: right atri...
This limits their use to minimal surface cross-sections with a depth limit on single cell imaging of 0.05–0.1 mm and large tumor imaging up to 2.2 mm2. Brain imaging studies are constrained to 1–2 mm in imaging depth3. To overcome this limitation, neuroscientists must use highly ...