Ecological Illustrated of Common Aphids (Aphidoidea)蚜虫是半翅目蚜科、球蚜科和根瘤蚜科昆虫的通称。蚜科包括蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科、瘿绵蚜亚科、大蚜亚科、粉毛蚜亚科等25个亚科,其中大部分蚜虫都隶属于蚜亚科。张广学院士是中国著名昆虫学家,一生从事蚜虫研究,在分类学和防治技术等各个方面做出了重要贡献,《常...
“Hemiptera” was used to refer to the True Bugs, which are now defined as the suborder Heteroptera within order Hemiptera. “Homoptera” had been used to refer to aphids, psyllids, leafhoppers, treehoppers and cicadas, but is now no longer considered a valid ...
which also changes the muscle attachments of the mouth tools and allows a modified mandible movement compared to other mandibles (crustaceans, centipedes, jumping bristletails). This so-called dicondyle mandible has two joints with which it is attached to the head capsule, while other...
et al. Two odorant-binding proteins mediate the behavioural response of aphids to the alarm pheromone (E)-ss-farnesene and structural analogues. PLoS One. 7, e32759 (2012). CAS PubMed PubMed Central ADS Google Scholar Brennan, P. A. & Kendrick, K. M. Mammalian social odours: ...
They are diurnal and are important predators of aphids and mites. Pollen has also been found in the guts of these organisms and it is unclear whether they require pollen for part of their lifecycle or if it is a favoured food source.[5][4] The larvae of many raphidiids live immediately...
(a) Relationship between the number of mtSSRs and the mitogenome size (kb) from 56 Pentatomidae species; (b) Genome size (kb) and genomic density (bp/kb) of mtSSRs from 56 Pentatomidae species. The code names are based on the first two letters of the genus and species name (see Tabl...