Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at Scientific American maintains a strict policy of editorial independence in reporting developments in science to our...
A scientific name for an organism can be associated with almost all biological data. Name identification is an important step in many text mining tasks aiming to extract useful information from biological, biomedical and biodiversity text sources. A scie
The No. 1 way to reduce emissions with an artificial tree is to reuse it for years. Reuseavoids the carbon impactof producing, packaging and shipping a new one. The break-even point – when your artificial tree’s emissions match the emissions of buying a live tree each year – varies f...
(100)# Store the data in an arbitrarily nested dictionarytree={"foo":42,"name":"Monty","sequence":sequence,"powers": {"squares":squares},"random":random, }# Create the ASDF file object from our data treeaf=asdf.AsdfFile(tree)# Write the data to a new fileaf.write_to("example....
Tinospora cordifoliais a climbing shrub belonging to the Menispermaceae family that includes more than 400 plant species1. The present scientific name of this plant isTinospora cordifolia(Willd.) Hook.f. & Thomson according to the ‘USDA-ARS GRIN Taxonomy’, whereas its scientific name as per th...
If a name was not encountered in any of the literature consulted it was assigned “Unplaced” status. This status is also used for names that would be accepted but for the fact that they are illegitimate or not validly published under the ICN and therefore cannot be used for taxa that sh...
(X, Y, Z, time), lifetime histograms across a range of spectral emission channels, polarization state of light, phase and frequency, angles of rotation (e.g., in light sheet fluorescence microscopy), and high-throughput screens, just to name a few. The ImageJ infrastructure needed ...
For hardwoods, you might say that they are all considered Angiosperms. Softwoods are Gymnosperms, or more specifically, conifers. I mention this a little bit more in depth in another article:
The Theobroma Cacao tree, touse its scientific name, provides us with one of the world's most delicious foodschocolate! Theobroma is a Greek word meaning food of the gods. The tree originallycomes from the Amazon region of South America. Hand-sized pods that grow on thetree contain cacao ...
Clarke, a variant of the Yellow palm tree, Phel1odendron, chinense, Schneld, var. OMEIENSE, Huang, Rehmannia glutinosa, Rehmannla, g1utinosa (Gaertn.), Libosch, f.hueichingensis (Chaot, et, Schih) Hsiao. (two) Chinese herbal Latin name: the Latin name for Chinese herbal medicine ...