For example, the zoological name for tigers is: Panthera tigris, while the zoological name for the subspecies Bengal Tiger is Panthera tigris tigris. See a complete list of animals and their scientific names listed by letter below. Letter A Animals Scientific Names A. bilineatus, A. howardgloyd...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Compared with the commercially available single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip based on the Bead Chip technology, the solution hybrid selection (SHS)-based target enrichment SNP chip is not only design-flexible, but also cost-effective for genotype sequencing. In this study, we propose to desig...
Strong evidence in support of this comes from a study by a team headed by Australian researcher Ben Oldroyd [10]. They found that established feral colonies reproduced (sent out swarms) at a higher rate than their death rate, meaning that their populations would be mathematica...
(Fig.1). The studbook was provided by the white-naped mangabey EEP coordinator. The registries consist of the individual name and identification code, sire code, dam code, sex, birthdate (to know the temporal evolution or tendency of some parameters), birthplace (captive-born or wild-born)...
Nowadays, there is a growing concern about contamination of toxic metals (TM) in pet food due to the great potential for health risks of these elements. TM concentrations in commercial pet foods (n = 100) as well as in ingredients used in their com