but we also provide individual-level data (when available). Each trait value (i.e. dataset entry) is accompanied (whenever possible and applicable) by (i) a location (x,y coordinates and/or country), (ii) contextual characteristics, (iii) source, and (iv) estimates of precision. For agg...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding Scientific Names: Scientific names are used to uniquely identify organisms and are composed of two parts: the genus name and the species name. The genus name is always cap
Fossils are indispensible in understanding the evolutionary origins of the modern fauna. Crown-group spadefoot toads (Anura: Pelobatoidea) are the best-known fossorial frog clade to inhabit arid environments, with species utilizing a characteristic bony
GenBank database. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to sequence, assemble and annotate the complete mitogenome ofO. pama. The assembled mitogenome was compared with that of other croakers from the same family. This comparison aimed to identify the most suitable mitochondrial DNA reg...
Amphibian habitats are easily contaminated by several pollutants, and in agricultural landscapes the likely exposure scenario is represented by pesticides. Many of these substances are known or suspected to act as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). T
The Incredible Acrobatics of the Tree Frog, in Slow MotionJulia GriffinPBS NewsHour
Tree Frog Inspires New Easy-Off StickiesJR Minkel
The genus name,Mysticellus, is a masculine noun derived from the Latinmysticus(meaning mysterious) + ellus(a diminuitive), highlighting the ability of this small frog to remain out of sight despite its occurrence in wayside areas surrounding human settlements. ...
Supplementary Table 3 contains the DEGs between HS1Y and HS1N; Supplementary Table 4 contains the DEGs between HH1Y and HH1N; Supplementary Table 5 contains the DEGs between HH5 and HS5; Supplementary Table 6 contains the species name and NCBI serial numbers of 19 additional species for phylog...
The Pama Croaker, Otolithoides pama, is an economically important fish species in Bangladesh. Intra-family similarities in morphology and typical barcode sequences of cox1 create ambiguities in its identification. Therefore, morphology and the complete m