“Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away.”(an-Naml: 88) With this verse, the Quran informs us that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant motion. What does the mo
Quran August 1, 2012 MAN in HiGH ALTiTUDES FacebookTwitterEmailWhatsAppLinkedIn分享 Medical Miracles of Qur’an 8.MAN in HiGH ALTiTUDES Almost 100 years ago, medical researches started address the functions of the human body when rising up in high altitudes, and the effect of being... Qura...
"I swear by the Firmament which returns..." (Surah at-Tariq: 11) The following is stated in the 11th verse of the surah of at-Tariq: "I swear by the Firmament which returns..." In this verse, Allah Almighty swears by the sky and draws attention to its fu
inOn科学theThe科学家 系统标签: miraclesscientificscientistscomments科学家quran Scientists'CommentsontheScientificMiraclesintheHolyQuranDescription:ThestatementsofvariousscientistsinregardstothefactsfoundintheQuranwhichconformtorecentlydiscoveredscientifictruths.Byislam-guidePublishedon02Mar2006-Lastmodifiedon17Oct2009Catego...
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Bible,Quran and Science by: Maurice Bucaille Read by:70,998 On Cosmic Verses in The Quran by: Muhammad Jamaluddin El-Fandy Read by:13,346 Spread Knowledge
Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He regulates all affairs, explaining the sign in detail that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.The Holy Quran 13:2 In a Tradition from Imam ‘Ali ibn Musa al-Rida about this verse, he says, “Does God not ...
The use of the future time in the above Ayaat denotes clearly that as time passes (when more and more scientific miracles are unveiled in the Noble Quran) the deniers, disbelievers and doubtful people will realize that the Noble Holy Quran is indeed Allah's Book. ...
God as the creator of mankind has mentioned in the Quran that the road to the heart of mankind is first through Wisdom, followed by good advice. Unfortunately, our present scholars are often not applying the wisdom or good advice provided by the Holy Scripture. ...
Miracles, Law of Nature, and Quran معجزات, قانون قدرت اور قرآن Islam And Science: Parallel Or Perpendicular Reflections – Signs of God Philosophy of Science and Limitations of Scientific Method Reflections on the Origins in the...