And, in order for the Scientific Method to answer the question, it must be about something that you can measure, preferably with a number. STEPS of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD STEP 2: DO BACKGROUND RESEARCH: Rather than starting from scratch in putting together a plan for answering your question,...
scientific-methodppt课件 系统标签: scientificfrogshypothesisstepshypothesesfroggies --11Chapter1:Section2Chapter1:Section2HowScientistsWorkHowScientistsWorkNotesNotes--22KeysKeysLectureOutline–TheScientificMethodPowerPointNotestextbookquestions--33 MuchofbiologydealswithsolvingMuchofbiologydealswithsolvingproblemsproblems...
Writing Scientific Research Articles--科学研究论文的撰写.ppt,Writing Scientific Research Article --From Morgan Lyons ( the European Manager of International Science Editing) 国际科学编辑中国负责人薛海宝与欧洲总经理Morgan Lyons (右) 讲座信息 时间:2010年9
4 ScientificMethod ListingtheSteps ▪MakeanObservation ▪DefinetheProblem ▪ResearchtheProblem ▪StatetheHypothesis ▪ExperimenttotestHypothesis ▪CollectandRecordData ▪AnalyzeData ▪DrawConclusions ▪DetermineLimitations ▪ReportResults Ifneeded,Domoreinvestigation5 ▪S C ...
eScience -- A Transformed Scientific Method" .PPT eScience -- A Transformed Scientific Method Jim Gray, eScience Group, Microsoft Research /~Gray Outline What’s Computer Science? What Do I do? eScience? What’s that? Peer-Reviewed Literature and Data online? How would that work? What’s...
The Scientific Method Good Science We make observations –We observe and describe behavior or event –E.G., A man, who was leaving a bar, crashes into a parked car on the way home Good Science We develop a theory to explain the behavior or event –What theories can you come up with ...
Innovation in scientific research(科研的创新)Innovationinscientificresearch Suggestionsfordiscovery •Problemchoice:Thinkbig –Routineproblemsareoftenashardasbigones.Suggestionsfordiscovery •Problemchoice:Thinkbig –Routineproblemsareoftenashardasbigones.•Technologydrivesscience•Daretoexploreunchartedareas Sugges...
Personal Notes on Scientific ResearchMu-ming Poo Feb. 27, 2009, WuHanFive Principles of Graduate StudyFive Principles of Graduate Study1. Knowing how the facts were obtained is more important than the knowing the factsFive P
Unit 1 Research and DevelopmentLesson 4 Working out a logical sequence I. Knowledge about CPM Task 1 Read over the text quickly and find the information related to scientific research. 1. What does “CPM” stand for? It stands for “Critical Path Method” 2. What is the ...
An in-line samplingmethod is used to collect and to subsequentlyanalyze the Black Powder transported in naturalgas, condensate, or LPG. Recent site surveys inthe Middle East confirmed the very fine sizeof solid particles and highlighted that particlesize distribution varies significantly from one...