A third common feature is the value of mechanism as a form of explanation. Over time, modern science tended to rule out occult astrological forces, vitalistic life forces, and so on. When the concept of force was retained, as in Newton's gravitational force, it was subjected to the restra...
Practice problems already help with this, since to solve a problem you usually need to understand it. However, shallow understandingsmasqueradingas deep ones is very common. Psychologists even have a name for this: the illusion ofexplanatorydepth. The reason is that while it’s easy to self-ch...
You will understand this better, perhaps, if I give you some familiar examples.如果我给你一些熟悉的例子,或许,你可以更好地理解这点差异。Youhave all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction (归纳法) and deduction,that by the help of these operations, they, in a ...
s geographical zone with high seismic risk. They drew explanations about the causes and consequences of earthquakes during a learning unit of eighteen hours oriented toward explanation-construction based on the Tectonic Plates Theory. A constant comparative method was applied to analyze drawings and ...
making us vulnerable to illusions of understanding in which we believe we understand more about the world than we actually do. Such illusions obscure the scientific community’s ability to see the formation of scientific monocultures, in which some types of methods, questions and viewpoints come to...
This courseware model can more realistically present historical scenes and be linked to the teacher’s explanation, thereby deepening students’ memory of historical events and making the online class atmosphere more attractive. Students can participate more in learning and thinking, which will help to...
Deliver your takeaway at the start. Your audience’s attention will be greatest at the beginning. Use your opening minute to state the single key message of your talk. Avoid jargon or technical details — those can come later if necessary — so that everyone can understand what you’re shari...
Helpstudentsanalyzethestructureofthetext,includingtheintroduction,mainbody,andconclusion.Highlightthelanguageusedtodescribethescientificbreakthroughsandtheirimportance.Pointoutanydifficultsentencesorgrammarstructuresforfurtherexplanation. Step5:GroupDiscussion(15minutes) Dividestudentsintogroupsandgivethemthefollowingdiscussion...
“creation–evolution controversy” do not adequately convey how overwhelming the evidence is. A key observation or new piece of evidence, of course, may undermine an established explanation, but a theory such as evolution is founded on a great many observations, and it is highly unlikely that ...
Explanation in artificial intelligence: Insights from the social sciences. Artif. Intell. 267, 1 (2018). Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Shulman, L. S. Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educ. Res. 15 (2), 4–14 (1986). Article Google Scholar Chick, H. L. ...