A diagram showing the course of the establishment of secondary chloroplasts, illustration of the cryptophyteGuillardia thetaand distribution of chloroplast division proteins in eukaryotes. (a) Schematic view of organelle reduction and membrane heredity through secondary endosymbiosis. The green double membrane...
Comparative analysis ofT. cordifoliagenome. (a) Phylogeny of six Ranunculales species includingT. cordifolia(b) Venn diagram of ortholog gene clustering of six species (c) Biological processes ofT. cordifoliaspecific genes (d) Cellular component ofT. cordifoliaspecific genes (e) Molecular functions o...
An outline of the study design has been depicted in Fig. 4. Figure 4 A flow diagram showing the study design and methods used for the data analysis. Full size image Preparation of microbial standard We first tested the influence of chemicals and metals on DNA yields and quality by preparing...
Panel B: Venn diagram showing the functional convergence and dis-convergence between Brachypodium and wheat during infection. Full size image In addition, comparison of global differential expression by biological processes and molecular functions undergoing change as inferred by GO term enrichment ...
Comparative analysis ofT. cordifoliagenome. (a) Phylogeny of six Ranunculales species includingT. cordifolia(b) Venn diagram of ortholog gene clustering of six species (c) Biological processes ofT. cordifoliaspecific genes (d) Cellular component ofT. cordifoliaspecific genes (e) Molecular functions ...
Gonystylus bancanus chloroplast (partial genome) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/EU849490.1) and ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/KU244237.1) with the percentage identities of 92.21% and 92.04%, respectively. ...
(B) Venn diagram showing the different types of AS events identified in thePhyscomitrella patens. (C) Representation of differentially alternatively spliced (DAS) genes compared to differentially expressed (DE) genes in protonemata and protoplasts (DAS_PN and DEG_PN), and protonemata and gametop...
The Crystal structure of AnPrx6. (a) Ribbon diagram of monomer A. The catalytic N-terminal peroxiredoxin domain (M1-N162) is coloured light blue and the C-terminal dimerization domain (Y163-K212) dark blue. The termini and secondary structure elements are labelled. The active site CPis sho...
Indicated in the diagram are the numbers of up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs. Full size image In order to investigate the biological functions associated with the Co stress response in different organs, the GO enrichment analysis was performed for DEGs in roots and tops. There were about ...
Venn diagram (A) and the volcano maps (B,C) of DEGs under salt stress and ABA treatment. The X axis represents the log2 transformed difference-fold value, and the Y axis represents the-log10 transformed significance value. Red represents up-regulated DEG, blue represents down-regulated DEG,...