by definition, the life phase that has the highest influence on lifetime reproductive output as a larger proportion of an individual’s offspring are produced at that age than at any other. An obvious peak in the age trajectory of reproductive performance could result from individuals maximizing...
This definition of hibernation is justified because, whilst several hibernators may also exhibit short torpor bouts lasting only several hours, the opposite is not the case: Many mammals may undergo daily torpor but are incapable to exhibit multiday torpor, which requires releasing metabolism and Tb...
PJ-106 Is Myocardial Hibernation a Self-defense Mechanism Against Contractile Force-induced Oncosis in Energy-depleted Myocyte?(Myocardial ischemia-reperfusion, basic/clinical-5 (IHD) PJ18,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society) Ohtani...
摘要: CiNii Articles - PJ-660 Regional Myocardial Hibernation in Stable Angina Pectoris : Proven by Strain and Strain Rate(PJ111,Angina Pectoris (Clinical) (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)...
By definition, survivorship is 1.0 at the starting age for the analysis, which we set at age 365 days. This was because mortality in the first year of life can be highly dependent both on life history and on the specific management or animal care strategies at the time and may not be ...
Traits related to primary and secondary sexual characteristics greatly impact females during puberty and day-to-day adult life. Therefore, we performed a GWAS analysis of 11,348 Japanese female volunteers and 22 gynecology-related phenotypic variables, a
(i.e. cells on the inside, capsular material on the outside, separated by a membrane-like entity) fits the definition of patterned multicellularity2, with the membrane providing a clear boundary to what is ‘self’ and what is not54. The organization of cells within each symplasmatum also...
of century under a high emissions scenario. We test both components of change using historical climate data and biological data spanning 17 years from floodplain grasslands on the Elbe River, Germany (Fig.2). We apply a climatological definition of extreme events and include both meteorological ...
The linearity and load insensitivity of the end-systolic pressure–volume-relationship (ESPVR), a parameter that describes the ventricular contractile state, are controversial. We hypothesize that linearity is influenced by a variable overlay of the intr
By definition, survivorship is 1.0 at the starting age for the analysis, which we set at age 365 days. This was because mortality in the first year of life can be highly dependent both on life history and on the specific management or animal care strategies at the time and may not be ...