Reynolds number definition may vary based on a situation and application, e.g., for an internal flow. It can be defined as Re=ρfV¯inDhμf, where Dh and V¯in are the hydraulic diameter and average fluid velocity at the inlet section, respectively, while for calculations of the drag...
Using this definition of symmetry, there is evidence that asymmetric gait is highly prevalent in both healthy individuals and patients with KOA. Lathrop-Lambach et al.60 investigated bilateral gait data from 182 healthy, pain-free subjects and showed that there is a large amount of asymmetry ...
The use of pigs for violin strings is primarily because they handle difficult circumstances in their intestines and are thus suitable for continuous use. Brushes The bristly hair of boars, which are male pigs, has been used for more than a few hundred years in the manufacture of hair and to...
Interestingly, approximately 7% size of the tibia plateau would be enough for the PCL insertion based on previous researches, which is consistent with our findings39,40. Since the PCL zone had a significant impact on the coverage by definition, we recommend that the size of the posterior notch...
CT scan provides the precise anatomical details of the lesion along with bone destruction and definition of paraspinal and intraspinal extension of the same. Lesions of echinococcosis generally do not enhance following contrast administration. Delineation of intraspinal extension is also possible with comput...
“Prevention and management of osteoporosis: report of a WHO scientific group”). A z-score is used to report BMD that is corrected for age as well as sex and ethnicity; therefore it is more applicable to pediatric subjects. Regardless of definition, the high rates of low BMD in SCD ...
Per definition, CS pain is disproportionate to the nature and extent of injury or pathology, making it a go- or no-go criterion for CS pain. Criterion 2: Neuro-anatomically illogical pain pattern [1]. A neuro-anatomically illogical pain pattern is present when the patients presents with a ...
Thus, there were 27 cases classified as asymmetric HV cases, and 739 cases classified as symmetric HV cases according to the definition we established. Table 1 Severity grades of hallux valgus for the left and right feet. Full size table Of the 27 cases classified as asymmetric HV, an 84-...
Penalty-based algorithm was used for contact definition. The FE model has been validated using NRG knee prosthesis model which applied similar model setup. The peak contact stress, mean contact stress, and contact area at 90° and 120° of flexion with neutral rotation of FE model were ...
by Sereno (1998), and more closely follows the original inclusion proposed by Benedetto.[51] Another group, Herrerasauria was named by Galton in 1985, and defined as Herrerasaurus but not Liliensternus or Plateosaurus by Langer (2004), who used the node-based definition for Herrerasauridae.[...