To conduct the chromosome-level genome assembly, the draft genome contigs were anchored and oriented using the Hi-C data. In brief, muscle tissue (~1 g) ofC. nasuswas fixed with 1% formaldehyde for 10–30 min at room temperature to coagulate proteins that are involved in chromatin inter...
Scholarly big data have flourished over the past decade, with several large-scale initiatives providing researchers free access to data. For example, CiteSeerX56, one of the earliest digital library search engines, offers a large-scale scientific library focusing on the literature in computer and in...
exampleLoaderTemplate.ui : add Qt6 and remove Qt4 Jan 23, 2021 tox.ini Annotate slots withQtCore.Slot(#3123) Oct 13, 2024 PyQtGraph A pure-Python graphics library for PyQt5/PyQt6/PySide2/PySide6 Copyright 2024 PyQtGraph developers
Display– A plugin for visualizing data. For example, an ImageJ2ImageDisplaycan show two-dimensional planes of N-dimensional image data in a window with sliders for controlling which plane is visible. However, the framework imposes no limits on the sorts of objects that can be visualized; othe...
Example 1 (水文建模) 水文学的主要目标之一是研究负责地球上水的流动、分布和质量的过程。这些过程的一些例子包括通过降水从大气中排出的水,以及水在地球表面下的渗透,称为地下流。了解地下水流是很重要的,因为它与陆地生态系统过程、农业用水和突发的不利事件(如洪水)有着复杂的联系。然而,我们使用最先进的水文模...
Example spectrograms of two discrete call types produced by Gulf of Alaska transient killer whales, GOA11 (a) and GOA12 (b) (fast Fourier transform size 1024, Hann window). Full size image The number of hours per day that each killer whale population was detected at each location was also...
1, we give a more concrete real-world example on the use of Semantic Web technologies for representing data in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) — an integrated data source consisting of several databases, broadly categorized into biological pathways, proteins, and drugs9 –and...
(e.g. without rotation, distortion, etc.). In fact, to enrich the diversity, it is necessary to collect data in various real scenarios. For example, Gaoet al.12proposed a dataset named ICDAR19 for TD and TSR tasks. It is the first real dataset in the historical document scenario, yet...
To facilitate understanding, we take the extension of the synonyms in the economic dimension as an example. First, we assume that the MD&A corpus contains V words, and the initial word vector dimension of each seed word isV. Theword2vecmodel reduces the dimension of each word vector to ensur...
data compilations require a representative and comprehensive sample of the literature to best inform macrophysiological projections. For example, data imputation procedures assume specific missing data patterns (e.g., data missing at random27). Thus, any biases in the data may compromise the validity...