Cognitive neuroscience methods can identify the fMRI-measured neural representation of familiar individual concepts, such as apple, and decompose them into meaningful neural and semantic components. This approach was applied here to determine the neural
which is indeed a good way to think about some of the issues involved. It might be tempting for a utilitarian to think of Aristotelian ethics as having some different answer to the trolley problem. Maybe it does, I don’t know. But Aristotle doesn’t talk about ...
The assumption that space is three-dimensional Euclidean is the idealistic position of mathematical philosophy according to which mathematical concepts have an independent reality. But as we know it is necessary to examine all underlying assumptions in formal systems to see if they square with our int...
Articles 1 and 2 were chosen for four reasons. The first is that these papers present various of the concepts (e.g., food spoilage microorganisms, molecular biology) discussed during lectures beforehand, thus helping “students [not to] get frustrated with unfamiliar terminology” (Rybarczyk,2006...
Just as values such as empiricism, formalism, and mechanism have been used to describe the intellectual culture of modern science, so a related family of concepts has been used to describe its institutional culture. Most influential wassociologistRobert Merton's (1973, Chap. 13) list of four ce...
It includes items related to scientific concepts and scientific process skills such as finding the material from which an object is made, thinking about simple cause-and-effect relationships, and the use of measurement tools. The Cronbach alpha value was calculated for the reliability coefficient of...
(Dunbar,2000), which requires a wealth of prior knowledge to draw from. Novices to science, such as school students, could hardly draw an analogy for the sheer lack of suitably analogous concepts. They are, too, at a disadvantage when experimenting in schools as they lack the rich ...
“Our research will secure the future of humanity by developing next generation power generation concepts, and our sensors will protect the first responders by rapidly identifying opioids in the field. Microsoft Azure provides us with GUI-enabled Machine Learning service, whi...
In the context of “space of flows”, city-based innovation correlation in driving economic growth is no longer limited to the traditional hierarchical structure. It is of great significance to explore Chinese cities innovation association network from t
“maybe”2). Recent views see CCs and ACs as neither dichotomously opposed nor as representing a continuum. Instead, different concepts would be points within a multidimensional space, defined by various dimensions3. Studies have identified some of these dimensions, none of which is exhaustive or...