2024年影响因子/JCR分区:0.0/学科与分区:出版国家或地区:United Kingdom出版周期:出版年份:0年文章数:1502是否OA开放访问:YesGold OA文章占比:%官方网站:www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/biblio/投稿网址:mts.hindawi.com/login/编辑部地址:中科院期刊分区 2023年12月升级版: 未收录 2022年12月升级版: 未收录...
美国Impact Journals LLC出版社(OT杂志)旗下Aging-US(中危)的被关注度也比较高,今年逆势重返5分+,有网友曾声称Aging-US很快也会被踢,该刊目前的扩刊行为确实比较明显,如果未来两三年依然持续大扩刊,被踢风险确实不低。 与OT毫无血缘关系的同姓兄弟OncoTargets and Therapy(中危),名声一般,近几年的数十篇撤稿...
Many medical interventions consist of a single component, such as the administration of a particular drug. However, health is a complex phenomenon, and it is becoming ever more so with the rise of digital health and the increase in challenges like multimorbidity. Accordingly, there is growing int...
美国Impact Journals LLC出版社(OT杂志)旗下Aging-US(中危)的被关注度也比较高,今年逆势重返5分+,有网友曾声称Aging-US很快也会被踢,该刊目前的扩刊行为确实比较明显,如果未来两三年依然持续大扩刊,被踢风险确实不低。 与OT毫无血缘关...
被“论文工厂”染指的European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences(高危)、Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy(中危)、Journal of Cellular Physiology(中危)、Bioscience Reports(中危)等,大多有过一波国人学者文章撤稿潮。今年的涨势随大流,都有一定的涨幅,Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy和Journal of Cellular Physi...
Based on the ISI 《2002 JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS》, the distributions of Impact Factors of medicine journals indexed by SCl are analysed in this paper. 利用美国科学信息研究所 (ISI)出版的期刊引文报告 (JCR) 2 0 0 2版报道的定量数据 ,对 ISI收录期刊及期刊的影响因子在医学学科中的分布情况进行了...
The New Zealand Medical Student Journal Number 2 March 2005 27 Publishing original research in peer-reviewed academic journals is fundamental to the development of evidence-based medicine. For the student author, a publication in a peer-reviewed journal will set their ...
We oversee that most of the nanoscience journals expect their publications could demonstrate certain usefulness of the nanomaterials of interest. Scientific Reports, wherein “inclusive” is our most prominent hallmark, attempts to fill a unique niche by launching this themed collection “Chemistry ...
XpertScientific已经协助作者发表了数千篇研究论文,其中许多论文发表在影响因子非常高的领先期刊上。我们的服务涵盖了学术出版的方方面面:编辑和校对,将文章上传到期刊网站,协助同行评审过程,以及制定对同行评审员和期刊编辑的回应。在XpertScientific,我们努力提供及时和专业的服务,以支持您的出版和其他科学相关需求。 我们...
2) medical science 医学科学 1. Scientific data are not only the achievements of research in medical sciences but are also important resources. 医学科学数据既是医学科学研究的成果,又是一种重要研究资源。 2. The medical humanism has more different forms,to love and revere life,to respect the ...