In conclusion, the impact factor of Advances in Earth Sciences (AES) is influenced by various factors that contribute to its recognition and influence within the scientific community. These factors includethe quality of research articles, the relevance of the topics covered, the accessibility and reac...
Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)16 Social Media Mentions17 Downloads19,157 Discover Agriculture Social Media Mentions7 Downloads4,549 Discover Environment Social Media Mentions5 Downloads14,515 Horticulture Advances Social Media Mentions3 Downloads15,752 Recommended...
标题:了解影响因子:探索Advances in Earth Sciences对科学研究的影响 引言: 在科学研究中,影响因子(Impact Factor)是评估期刊影响力的重要指标。本文将探讨《Advances in Earth Sciences》期刊的影响因子及其对地球科学研究领域的影响。 第一部分:什么是影响因子? 影响因子是由爱尔兰科学集团(Institute for Scientific Info...
Special Issue "Cybersecurity: Advances in Security and Privacy Enhancing Technology" * Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2024 * Journal Impact Factor (2022): 2.7 * Dear Colleagues, Cybersecurity is the technology of ...
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) is an international peer reviewed open access bi-monthly on-line journal published by the Society for Science and Education United Kingdom. The journal encourages the researchers and practitioners to publish their research work with an objective to...
Impact Factor : COSMOS: 3.764, ISI: 1.638 (2023-24) ISSN : 2688-836X DOI : Language of Publication : English Nature : Online Journal Menu NRS Home Classification Editorial Board Article In Press Current Issue ...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 4.0 (2023) Submission to first decision (median) 14 days Downloads 747,335 (2024) Call for papers Collection Special Issue: Historical scholarship in health professions education Conversations about the value of history in health professions education (HPE) have occur...
analytical chemistry and not only in sciences but also on chemical engineering sciences. ACSR also publishes special issues based on the current research and advances. It also focuses on contributions from a specific country or area of the world, and contains the proceedings of invited lectures to...
5-year Journal Impact Factor 5.2 (2023) Latest issue April 2025Volume 42, Issue 4 Special topic on Air Pollution Complex Research in China: Recent Advances (Guest Editors: Tong Zhu, Mingjin Tang, Hong Liao, Yele Sun, Lin Wang, Minghuai Wang & Xuemei Wang) ...
The International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics is an official publication by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, focusing on current areas of research in engineering and applied mathematics. Launched in collaboration with Springer India. Accepts original and ...