Notice that the change in IR loss to space (ΔF) is -2.4 W/m2. Combined with the change in solar (ΔS = 0.1), we get a net change of +2.5. This is the "climate forcing" that MA Rodger refers to. This is what drives the overall warming of the earth-atmosphere system. The at...
In 1961, when Kennedy declared that America would send a man to the moon by the decade’s end, those words, too, ___69___(have) a dreamlike quality. They resonated with optimism and ambition in much the same way as the most famous dream speech of all, ___70___(deliver) by Mart...
“The key thing about probabilistic programming—and rather different from the way most of the deep-learning stuff is working—is that it starts with a program that describes the causal processes in the world,” says Tenenbaum. “What we’re trying to learn is not a signature of features, o...
According to Greek tradition, the process of replacing the notion of supernatural explanation with the concept of a universe that is governed by laws of nature begins in Ionia. Thales of Miletus, c. 600 BCE first developed the idea that the world can be explained without resorting to supernatur...
Research Letters are an abbreviated report of original research that should be no more than 700 words. No abstract is necessary, and no abstract will appear with its citation, if published. The references list should have 10 citations or less. Only 1 or 2 figures/tables should be included....
Do you like learning new science words? I've made a list of some interesting science words that start with U to help you.
Scientists have found that this network is active whenever a person is resting, daydreaming, thinking about themselves or the memories of the past, or planning for the future. In other words, even though we are not busy with any particular task but resting. our brains are constantly talking ...
After receiving cochlear implants (人工耳 蜗) in both ears as a baby, he had to train his brain to underst and spoken words. It took countless hours of speech therapy (疗法). “We didn't even know that he'd be able to talk,” said his mot her, Christy Maes. Now the sof...
setin.Withasmile,shesaid,“Dearson,I,mtryingmybesttoearn ourliving,andI,msurethatifweworkharder,wewillgetwhatever wewantinthefuture."Hearingherwords,Ifeltembarrassed.Ithought ofthetimewhensheknittedinthedeepnightandcookedformeinthe earlymorning.Yes,shehadalwaysbeendoingwhatevershecouldtomake melivewell....
As time moves on into the 2030s Sky 2050 takes a normative approach that starts with the desired outcome of global net-zero emissions in 2050 and works backwards in time to explore how that outcome could be achieved. By focusing on security through mutual interest, the world achieves the ...