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2022年9月23日,由Wiley、复旦大学遗传工程国家重点实验室以及伯桢生物科技(苏州)有限公司联合创办的Advanced Science生物医学前沿论坛在上海锦江汤臣洲际酒店成功举办。Wiley期刊编辑温茜、涂培君以及复旦大学赵冰教授主持了活动,来自生物医学领域的12位有杰出...
发表通讯作者论文50余篇,包括Nature、Science、Cell等。研究成果被选入经典教材Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry、Molecular Cell Biology、Williams Textbook of Endocrinology等。其成果于2015年和2020年两度入选“中国生命科学十大进展”;2018...
It is number 2 in the current yearly co2 emitters and to get some perspective-this is the equivalent to the mass of 6,300+ small cars x a million in this year alone! The worst top three add 46% of climate change pollutants with the worst 10 making this amount to over 66%. I'm...
DownloadKarnataka Board Class 8 Social Science Textbook 2022-23. Karnataka Board Class 8 Social Science textbooks cover all essential topics and help students prepare for the exams.
Highly specialized myrmecophagy (ant- and termite-eating) has independently evolved multiple times in species of various mammalian orders and represents a textbook example of evolutionary convergence of phenotype. The genetic basis of this unique dietary adaptation and convergence remains unclear. The cov...
yeah, I have a bunch of new ideas I still want to work out. Part of that has gotta be that I’m surely in better health than the typical 60-year-old professor of decades earlier, but I think that part of it is expectations, what I ask of myself and the duty I feel to the wo...
Maybe computer scientists aren’t always familiar with common statistical practice . . . the leading AI textbook by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (4th edition) [has] an entire chapter on “Quantifying Uncertainty”, but devoted largely to uncertainty facing AI in the external environment. . ....
Woodworth (1938) was the first to report this finding in his influential textbook Experimental Psychology. This finding has been confirmed more recently by Smith (1969) and Fisher (1975). Participants were asked to read comparable passages of text, half completely in uppercase text and half ...
The biological, chemical, physical, mechanical, and optical properties of the existing and recently created materials used indentistryare covered in detail in this textbook. The clinical facets ofdental materialsdiscussed in these textbook help academicians and clinicians alike advance their dental ...