Science Subject for High School: Cellular Organelles Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Are you ready to dive deep into the tiny world of cellular organelles? The nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, and Golgi apparatus may sound like a little...
Her sense of confusion through lack of preparation reminds me of my own experience on the first day of high school when my head teacher asked me to choose between liberal arts and science. Without any real understanding of what importance and difference each entailed, I ultimately chose science ...
science subject在雅思口语里已经不是新鲜话题,之前就让我们介绍过“学过的一门science subject”,不过这次又加上了常见的“you are interested in”的修饰限定。 Science subject包括什么呢?math,physics,chemistry等这些理科生必修的科目肯定算,但是文科生就有些崩溃,心想当初要是有我喜欢的science subject,老娘就不...
二、单词拼写。1. Science is an important subject in junior high school, but it is divided(分开) into p and c in high school.2. Henry kept r her phone number to himself so that he wouldn't forget it.3. It is a really good learning habit to take n while listening to teachers in ...
A Science Subject Describe a science subject that you studied in high school You should say: the name of the subject what you did in this class how the teacher taught it and explain how you felt about this subject / this class. Part3 Science in Society Do you think science is an ...
其他科目都是上了高中才有的,所以没有感觉 The discipline I most like which in high school's subject is a mathematics, because my mathematics foundation quite is good.I have one kind of feeling to the science subjects, is this kind of feeling causes me to like on mathematics.But my language...
2In the opinion of Li Ming, a science student in that high school, physics is___ chemistry, but much easier than English. A. as difficult a subject asB. as a difficult subject asC. a subject so difficult asD. difficult as a subject as 3In the opinion of Li Ming, a science ...
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary / high school 高中里学习的自然学科 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案 该题目有两个信息点:subject of science和high school。就大多数高中在公立学校度过的学生而言,高中所学的九门课程里有五门可以算...
In each class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than others, but a good student can always do well. Literature n. books(esp. those by good writers)elective n. subject which a student has right to choose1.The basic American high school courses are ___.[ ]A....
While taking an AP science class will look most impressive to colleges, electives are always an option as well, particularly if you don't plan on majoring in a STEM subject. Many high schools offer a wide range of science electives, and these are a great way to take a class in a more...