原作名:Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English 译者:雷锦志/刘俊丽/武林晓 出版年:2011-5 页数:278 定价:33.00元 ISBN:9787111338369 豆瓣评分 9.6 65人评价 5星 75.4% 4星 18.5% 3星 6.2% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 ...
《Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English》读书笔记Part 0: 书籍介绍 研究生生涯里,成果产出永远是第一要义,而其中,又属发表基于英文的SCI论文为首要。无论自己的工作垃圾与否,总要先投出去看看,因为只有投出去了才有可能被接收,如果永远都患得患失停留在自己手里,则绝无被接收的可能。所以...
1.3 writing task: Build a Model 1.3.1 Building a model 1.4 Vocabulary 1. ESTABLISHING SIGNIFICANCE This includes phrases such as "Much research in recent years". A good list of commonly used words and expressions will encourage you to include this in your fi rst sentences 2. PREVIOUS AND/OR...
Most science research is written according to a fairly conventional structure: first the title, then the abstract, followed by an introduction, after which there is a central section which describes what was done and what was found and then a discussion and/or conclusion. At the end of the p...
原地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/623882027 平行侠: 今天我们聊一聊Science Research Writing for non-native Speakers of English这本书,我博士毕业发的TIP论文就是看了这本书之后才写出来的,我太爱这
Science Research Writing: For Native And Non-native Speakers Of English 最近(2024 年)出了中文版《英语科技写作》 手把手带你写论文的每一个章节,一个句子 2. 《社会科学研究: 原理、方法与实践》- Anol Bhattacherjee 做社会科学、实证研究的同学可以看看 ...
2.5 Writing a Methodology Section 方法论部分的写作 2.5.1 Write a Methodology section 方法论部分的写作 2.5.2 Key 关键 2.1 Structure 结构 本节标题在不同学科和不同期刊中有所不同。 它有时被称为材料和方法,或者它可以被称为过程、实验、实验、模拟、方法论或模型。
This process is suitable for the production of… 5.2.2 Length 长度 摘要通常有严格的字数限制。 大多数在80-150个单词之间,并且写成一个段落。 更长的摘要(150-250字)通常写成一个段落。 5.2.3 Language 语言 5.3 Writing Task: Build a Model 写作任务:建立模型 ...
1) You can useweto refer to your research group or team, but do not use it to refer to people or humanity in general. 2) people in general, it’s better to use a construction with It (It is known/ thought that…) 3) Use words likehereandin this studyto refer to your own work...
Science Research Writing 是科学研究领域中的重要技能,它涉及以清晰、准确的方式撰写研究报告和论文,以便与他人分享研