information can be submitted to GenBank with specific format (agp format) that contains contig orders and orientation information. Over a hundred WGS projects, including human and mouse, are listed in GenBank. Detailed information can be found at
Similarly, people are the key agents for the success of the knowledge management project. Indeed, they are at the heart of the project and the owners of knowledge. A knowledge management system captures what they know. Advancement within a firm is not based solely on people’s knowledge but ...
Science: What are your expectations for ECNU in the next 5 to 10 years? XQ: My goal is to establish a legacy that will remain even after my 5-year tenure is over. Laozi once said that “the greatest carver does the least carving.” Similarly, a great administrator knows when to act ...
Those who reported adopting an open science practice at some point in the past are likely to have employed it in their most recent research project (see Supplementary Tables 29 and 30), indicating that usage tends to be persistent. Fig. 7: Year of first usage of open science practices. ...
LaTeX class for an undergraduate 4th year project (4YP) report or a DPhil / PhD doctoral thesis for a student of the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford - maurovm/thesis_template
🥀EwA Invasive Flora Patrol.This project documents invasive woody and non-woody plants' occurrence (location) and density data in urban parks, city gardens, and private backyards to help ecological assessment and management of sensitive areas in the Greater Boston Area (Massachusetts, U.S.) ...
China’s Three-North Protective Forest Program (TNP) is the world’s most ambitious afforestation project (ongoing from 1978 to 2050), which aims to increase forest coverage through afforestation and reforestation, protect agriculture, reduce soil erosion, and control desertification. Although TNP has...
US GSA. Citizen science toolkit: basic steps for your project planning. (2022). García, F. S. et al. in The Science of Citizen Science (eds Vohland, K. et al.) 419–437 (Springer International Publishing, 2021). Van ...
000-year-old project is still running today. If you are interested in something modern, the “Sky Eye” (Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, FAST, one of the largest in the world) in Guizhou, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia and the remote sensing ...
Welcome to the site of CMU CoNaLa, the Code/Natural Language Challenge, a joint project of the Carnegie Mellon University NeuLab and STRUDEL Lab! This challenge was designed to test systems for generating program snippets from natural language. For example, if the input is sort list x in rev...