今天介绍期刊《Science of The Total Environment》,该期刊旨在发表有关整体环境(包括大气层、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈和人类圈)的新颖、以假设为导向的高影响力研究成果。 该刊将优先考虑对基础认识有重大推动作…
Science of The Total Environment(简称STOTEN)是一份国际性多学科自然科学期刊,旨在发表关于总体环境(大气层、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈和人类圈)的新颖、以假设为导向的高影响力研究成果。STOTEN的 "宗旨与范围 "定期更新,以反映该领域的进展--诚邀具有广泛影响的原创性高质量跨学科环境研究论文投稿。 ISSN:0048-9697 ...
据5GH发文陈述,该教授在Science of the Total Environment共发表了61篇文章,其中超过三分之一存在可疑的编辑行为。 图片来源:5GH 很多在LetPub上面留言的小伙伴在听到这个消息的时候直接心态就崩了,好不容易等来了一区大刊收录,明年准备毕业,这突如其来的hold可能甚至会导致延毕... 其实5GH的做法是完全正向的,如...
《Science of The Total Environment》是一本国际多学科自然科学期刊,专注于大气、岩石圈、水圈、生物圈和人类圈的整体环境研究。其ISSN号为0048-9697,EISSN号为1879-1026,最新影响因子为9.8分。该期刊在Web of Science的SCI分区中属于1区,是环境科学与生态学领域的Top期刊。期刊的影响因子呈上升趋...
2022, Science of the Total Environment Citation Excerpt : In future studies, analysis into the interactions of selected evaluation factors in NSPRI model and the scaling effects of the environmental impacts on water quality should be included. The results also showed that the LCI for N and P an...
2023, Science of the Total Environment Show abstract Ozone profiles without blind area retrieved from MAX-DOAS measurements and comprehensive validation with multi-platform observations 2023, Remote Sensing of Environment Citation Excerpt : The multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS...
The combination of five imaging units forms two orthogonal nine-pixel linear array detectors (with a common pixel in the middle). There are four pixels with a view angle of 20° × 20° in the 45° oblique directions of the cross-type detection array. There are 21 imaging pixels in the...
The city borders the provincial capital of Jinan to the west and Laiwu to the southwest, Linyi to the south, Weifang to the east, Dongying to the northeast, and Binzhou to the north (Fig. 1a). The T-shaped city has a total area of 5938 km2, governing five districts (Zichuan, ...
The spatial variation of OCIs suggested that the discharge of sewage treatment plants (STPs) effluent could be a major source of OCIs in the PRD region. The total concentrations of OCIs had a significant positive correlation with total organic carbon (TOC) contents, suggesting that they have ...
总体来说,Science of The Total Environment影响因子呈上升趋势,发文量大,国人发文量排名第一,对国人友好,平均录用比率相比官网信息较高。 推荐指数四颗星。 资料来源:Web of Science、期刊官网、Journal Citation Reports、LetPub SCI论文一站式服务|翻译润色|协助发表|返修指导|评审|图表|投稿 欢迎私信~ http://we...