根据Web of Science收录论文(Article、Review、Letter)的统计上,Science of The Total Environment从2010年至今,共收录61763篇,年发文量最高达9000+。 文章类型上,以Article为主,共50,461篇,占比约99.466%;其次是Other类型,为7,221篇,占比约为14.234%;Review Article类型的文章3,329篇,占比约为6.562%,排名第三。
环境科学著名一区Top期刊《Science of the Total Environment》被科睿唯安标记“On hold”,截止目前小编查看,依旧是On hold中...环境人一觉醒来,直呼“天塌了!”毕竟总环在环境领域具有极大的影响力,还是不少人的“救命刊”。据消息说这次的On hold与熟人审稿有关,我们来看看相关数据。 目前搜索依旧显示On hold ...
成功如前者ES&T Letters,影响因子已经达到11.558,直接超过了ES&T本身(IF:11.357)。 其他国人喜闻乐见的期刊也表现不俗,Journal of Hazardous Materials达到了14.224,Chemical Engineering Journal达到了16.744,Science of the Total Environment达到了10.753,Environment International达到了13.352。 Energy & Environmental Science...
在Science of the Total Environment、Biodegradation、Water Environment Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials等高水平学术期刊上发表科研论文近40篇,出版专著2部,参与编制地方标准1部;申请发明专利8项(授权2项)。 本人及课题组研究方向 主要研究方向为水污染控制理论与技术;微污染水源水治理。
In total, more than 1,100 employees and 4,000 students work and study in this innovative environment. Click here to go to the website of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Application procedure 申请材料要求及截止日期 ...
the fourth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing your ...
Countdown timers to keep track of the entry deadlines. DataSciCamp.com Please Feel free to star ⭐ this repo! or open an issue with your suggestions and requests! 欢迎关注微博更新:IPhysResearch . Collected by 土豆 (Herb) in spare time. 联系网站开发者:LeonTian 的知乎主页 . LeonTian (...
Countdown timers to keep track of the entry deadlines. DataSciCamp.com Please Feel free to star ⭐ this repo! or open an issue with your suggestions and requests! 欢迎关注微博更新:IPhysResearch . Collected by 土豆 (Herb) in spare time. 联系网站开发者:LeonTian 的知乎主页 . LeonTian (...
If your mother language is not English and you do not hold a degree from an institution in which English is the language of instruction, you must submit proof of English proficiency from either TOEFL (minimum total score of 100) or IELTS (minimum total score of 7.0). Proof of English lang...