Beginning with some ways in which "animals" are defined by science, and with feminist concerns about non-humans as fellow sufferers, this text examines how ideas about animals are constructed in different areas of biological science and how these intersect with feminist critiques of modern science...
The Naming and Classification of Organisms Each living thing has a scientific name that consists of two parts: the generic name and the specific name. For example, Panthera leo is the lion. Panthera is the name of the genus to which the animal belongs, and leo is the name of the species...
Conclusion I argue that none of the aforementioned reasons usually provide good grounds for not naming animal research subjects. Moreover, there are usually powerful reasons in favour of researchers giving their research animals proper names. This is because the practice usually leads to greater ...
There is no single, universally agreed-upon set of guidelines for defining sex and gender. We offer the following guidance: Sex and gender-based analyses (SGBA) should be integrated into research design when research involves or pertains to humans, animals or eukaryotic cells. This should be do...
publishes three types of original papers relating to all aspects of the behaviour of animals, including humans. (1) Primary research papers. These report new findings from field, laboratory, meta-analytical or theoretical studies. Work should test explicit hypotheses rather than being purely descript...
Studies in humans and animals If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans. The manuscript sho...
Box 4.1 Naming Wolf Packs / Daniel R. Stahler5 Territoriality and Competition between Wolf Packs / Kira A. Cassidy, Douglas W. Smith, Daniel R. Stahler, Daniel R. MacNulty, Erin E. Stahler, and Matthew C. Metz Box 5.1 Auditory Profile: The Howl of the Wolf / John B. Theberg...
"Trigonometrical Survey of India and Naming of Peak XV as Mt. Everest" Indian Journal of History of Science, 50.4 (2015). "How important is V̇O2max when climbing Mt. Everest (8,849 m)?". Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology (2022). "Energy". Herweck, D (2009). "The fungu...
help with photo identification as well as naming new mantas we find, and discovering so much about these beautiful creatures. Dr Rubin will host talks on everything from manta anatomy, conservation, sex, and even why they now believe these majestic animals may have a form of higher consciousnes...
However, despite the popularity of dogs as companion animals, and in contrast to their increasing popularity as comparative models for social cognition, only very few studies have been published on dogs’ knowledge of object labels. Most of these studies were conducted on a very small sample size...