Patents are a peculiar document within scientific communication, because they do not occur with the same frequency in a given period as scientific articles. The main features that differentiate them from other scientific documents are: (1) the author has a high level of exclusivity in their use,...
Despite these benefits, the long-term use ofARTimplies challenges. The main difficulty faced by persons living with HIV is adherence (represented by ingesting at least 95% of tablets) due to the large numbers of pills andside effectsand the high frequency of doses and/or tablets taken per ...
denoted as P(gf), as well as the number of inference source datasets and empirical counts. Together, by combining new statistical models with our systematic authorship information, this new table provides name-gender information, useful in studying...
The first convolution kernel has a size of (10,1), aiming to extract the temporal features of EEG signals in each channel and frequency band. The second convolution kernel has a size of (1,8), aiming to integrate the features of 8 channels, extract signal spatial features. Finally, two ...
Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase and Translation Fidelity of Protein Synthesis Lead Guest Editor:Dr. Hong Zhang Submission deadline: 1 July 2024 Special Issue ofAmerican Journal of Internal Medicine Graves’ Disease and Graves’ Orbitopathy: Latest Understanding of Pathogenesis and Treatment Options ...
Tables4–22include the data fields and corresponding descriptions of each data table. Each data field specified is clear from its index name. An ID of the data field in a data table can be linked, if this field has the same ID name as another field in another table. Further, the data...
usage: refchecker-cli [-h] --input_path INPUT_PATH --output_path OUTPUT_PATH [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--extractor_name EXTRACTOR_NAME] [--extractor_max_new_tokens EXTRACTOR_MAX_NEW_TOKENS] [--claim_format {triplet, subsentence}] [--checker_name CHECKER_NAME] [--extractor_api_base ...
AWS: Machine Learning Exam Basics AWS: Neural Machine Translation with Sockeye AWS: Process Model: CRISP-DM on the AWS Stack AWS: Satellite Image Classification in SageMaker edX: Amazon SageMaker: Simplifying Machine Learning Application DevelopmentBe able to apply unsupervised learning algorithmsArticle...
Some Translation Environment Tools, such as translation memory leveraging applications, use the Levenhstein algorithm to measure the edit distance between two fuzzy matching content segments.The metric is named after Vladimir Levenshtein, who considered this distance in 1965. It is often used in ...
Statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication This declaration does not...