Research Impact Score*: 25 Impact Factor: 17.6 SCIMAGO SJR: 8.761 SCIMAGO H-index: 106 Research Ranking (Immunology) 4 Research Ranking (Medicine) 75 Number of Best scientists*: 463 Documents by best scientists*: 377 Journal Information ISSN: 2470-9468 Publisher: Editors-in-Chi...
In subject area:Immunology and Microbiology Immunogenicity is defined as the ability of cells/tissues to provoke an immune response and is generally considered to be an undesirable physiological response. From:Developmental Biology and Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering,2018 ...
Read the latest articles of Molecular Immunology at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)是科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)出品的期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)中的一项数据,对科研人员重中之重的数据。影响因子的计算是某期刊N-1, N-2这两年发表的论文在N年的平均引用次数。以2019年为例,将在2019年6月出的新的影响因子叫“2018年度影响因子”,是2016年和2017...
HumanImmunologypublishes full-length, original, hypothesis-driven basic and clinical research articles as well as brief communications, reviews and editorials covering immunogenetics, transplantation immunology, autoimmunity, and immunity to infectious diseases in humans. It also publishes short … ...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
The Ocular Surface, a quarterly, a peer-reviewed journal, is an authoritative resource that integrates and interprets major findings in diverse fields related to the ocular surface, including ophthalmology, optometry, genetics, molecular biology, pharmacology, immunology, infectious disease, and ep… Vi...
EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW这本牛逼或者称之为的奇葩的刊物,2016年载文量7篇,2017年载文量4篇,2018年载文量6篇,因此在本年度依旧凭借其极低的刊文量、以及每年发行1期的模式,位居第4的位置。今年,Journal of Sport and Health Science获得突破,从去年的第10名跻身第5名。Journal of the International Society...
etc. Topics of interests include but are not limited to: Cellular Biochemistry, Structural & Molecular Biology, Cellular/Molecular Biology, Immunology, Pathology & Neurobiology, Cell Signaling, Regenerative Biology & Stem Cells, Cancer Biology, RNA Biology, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics & Metabolo...
National Science Foundation (NSF), an independent agency of the U.S. government that supports basic research and education in a wide range of sciences and in mathematics and engineering. The NSF was established by the U.S. Congress in the National Scienc