English-Medium Instruction (EMI) refers to the practice of teaching academic subjects in the English language in non-Anglophone higher education contexts to attract international students and provide international experiences for local students. AI generated definition based on: International Encyclopedia of...
Journal of Biomedical Science encompasses all fundamental and molecular aspects of basic medical sciences, with an emphasis on providing the molecular studies ...
English has been adopted as the ‘medium of instruction’ by certain universities in Turkey. The Middle East Technical University, founded in 1956, is the first higher education institution in Turkey to provide EMI in all its degrees. Following this initiation, Boğaziçi University was establishe...
The term “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) has become ubiquitous in current discourse around AI. OpenAI states that its mission is “to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.” DeepMind’s company v...
promoting the market style to switch to growth. In the medium to long term, the rise of the technology industry, the entry of medium and long-term capital into the market, and the improvement of the cost performance of China's assets in the context of global capital rebalancing are expected...
Fig. 8 Students’ perceptions, attitudes, and prospects after participating in our initiative.a–eStudents gave a rating 1–5, with 5 being the strongest agreement with the statement made.aScience is exciting.N = 92.bI enjoy participating in science projects.N = 92.cI would like to...
Among all the AI hype right now, the term "open/open source AI" has been thrown around by many of the big power players, from Meta to OpenAI. Often what they mean by "open source" is far from how the term has been defined for software. ...
First, it provides features that are known to promote creative thinking. For example, it combines the use of constraints (via the virtual world) with open-ended decision making, a combination that has been shown to promote creative thinking in a variety of contexts (Costello & Keane, 2000)....
The term brittle is used here to describe that the material's structure is irreversibly damaged or broken after reaching a maximum stress value. Notably, the peak maximum occurred at approximately the same shear strain value, regardless of storage time, though the maximum shear stress reached for...
et al.,2012). Importantly, these tools and routines are introduced “just in time” rather than “just in case” students need them. They are not “front loaded” at the beginning of the school year or a unit, as has been customary in science textbooks that begin with a first chapter ...