2. Detailed disclosures as part of a separate Declaration of Interest form, which forms part of the journal's official records. It is important for potential interests to be declared in both places and that the information matches. More information. Declaration of generative AI in scientific ...
The Scientific American article "What to Believe in Antarctica’s Great Ice Debate" by Shannon Hall says 'Most scientists agree that East Antarctica—unlike its western counterpart—is gaining mass in the form of snowfall or ice'. I notice that Shepherd et al agrees with that (East Antarctica...
Chapter 5 presents an overview of the variety of kinds of irs that compilers use. t0← a × 2 t1← t0× b t2← t1× c t3← t2× d a← t3 For every source-language construct, the compiler needs a strategy for how it will implement that construct in the ir form of the code. ...
Here, we use the expression y∈Ψ to mean “y has the support Ψ” or “y has the distribution Ψ.” And H(xi|y∈Ψ) and H(xi|y∈Φ) are conditional entropies defined in the following form: (3.2)H(xi|y∈Φ)=−∫y∈Φp(y)∫xi∈XiH(xi|y)dxidy (3.3)=−∫y∈Φp(...
Requests which do not comply with the instructions outlined in the form will not be considered. Only in exceptional circumstances will the journal editor consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors post acceptance. Publication of the manuscript may be paused while a change in ...
Citizen science has manifold relationships to policy, which is understood as sets of ideas or plans for action followed by a government, business, political party, or group of people. In this chapter, we focus on the relationship between citizen science,
Citizen science evolved through multiple disciplinary manifestations into a new field of study and a participatory method of enquiry. While most citizen science projects take place within problem-focused natural sciences, social sciences and humanities h
Thus, the true object of architecture is not bricks, mortar or timber, but the house; and so the principal object of natural philosophy is not the material elements, but their composition, and the totality of the form to which they are subservient, and independently of which they have no ...
(unified), in particular, for example, when the resulting text takes a more or less ‘patchworked’ form that allows for the ‘voices’ or ‘threads’ of the text to remain relatively distinct (see Guttorm, Hohti, and Paakkari2015on the problem of research collaboration as a humanist ...
Class 11: Logistic Regression Part 2, Clustering Logistic Regression, continued (exercise solution) Clustering (slides) Why cluster? Introduction to the K-means algorithm Homework: Read through section 8.2 on K-means Clustering from Introduction to Data Mining by next Thursday. What are some of ...