Submit your articleGuide for authors Articles in press Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. Note to users Actions for selected articles Select all / Deselect allDownload PDFsExport citations Show all ...
自人工智能第三次浪潮兴起后,人们一直在探索相关应用落地的领域,AI for Science受到了广泛而高度的关注。其中,2023年爆火、以ChatGPT为代表的AI大语言模型,正在给药物筛选带来技术革新。类似文生文、文生图的技术,大模型生成众多潜在药物分子,将之与目标蛋白质进行配对,帮助研究者省却分子结构的密集计算步骤。 6月8...
Download TheSchoolRun's free Year 6 Taster Pack for an overview of Y6 learning and activities to help your child at home.
Bacteriophages and CRISPR-Cas for combating multidrug-resistant bacteria Guest editors: Jose L. Balcazar, Elisabet Marti, Edgar González-Villalobos This Special Issue accepts research on bacteriophages and CRISPR-Cas technologies, specifically focused on controlling multidrug-resistant bacteria. ...
Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Sam. Rob And I’m Rob. Sam Once in a while along comes a scientist who captures the public imagination and communicates their passion for science in an exciting and unders...
If any are essential to include, ensure that you cite the author(s) and year(s). Avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. If any are essential to include, ensure they are defined within your abstract at first mention. Keywords You are required to provide 1 to 7 keywords for indexing...
In an interview with Xinhua, the NSFC announced new measures to extend funding for outstanding undergraduates to conduct pilot project basic research, and to offer long-term funding for excellent researchers with a maximum of nearly 30 million yuan (4.17 million U.S. dollars) over a 15-year pe...
Here, we summarize our current knowledge of biomarkers developed for cellular, organ, and organismal levels of aging, comprising six pillars: physiological characteristics, medical imaging, histological features, cellular alterations, molecular changes, and secretory factors. To fulfill all these requisites...
BEIJING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- A thousand people may have a thousand answers as to why we explore space. For 64-year-old Chinese scientist Wu Ji, exploring space has a more self-reflective meaning. "When one enters space, one will realize that human beings are an indivisible whole. Regar...
If any are essential to include, ensure that you cite the author(s) and year(s). Avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. If any are essential to include, ensure they are defined within your abstract at first mention. Keywords You are required to provide 1 to 7 keywords for indexing...