Science fiction, a core genre under the speculative fiction umbrella, is swarming with story possibilities. Whether you write hard science fiction, space operas, military sci-fi, or steampunk, there are plenty of concepts to explore. So if you're light on ideas or just want to practice your...
Written in response to: Start your story with an unusual sound being heard... view prompt Sjan Evardsson Follow 3 likes 2 comments Science Fiction It started with a low rumble that continued far too long to be normal. As it continued, the frequency rose and the amplitude spiked in...
I've changed thecontemporarystory prompts,science fiction story promptsandfantasy story prompts. Try them out if you're stuck on a story idea, or if you just want to be amused, and let me know if you like the new ones better.
Set your story on a planet with no water. Posted in Science Fiction on Oct 28, 2022 Submissions are closed Sorry, we are not accepting submissions for this prompt as it is not part of an active contest. Make sure you don't miss our next contest by creating your free Reedsy Prompts ...
Science fiction has been recently referred to as the last great literature of ideas. It contains imaginative concepts such as parallel universes, fictional worlds full of advanced technology, time travel, extraterrestrial life, and even sociocultural com
Write Out There: 101 Science Fiction Writing PromptsKate Krake
A writing resource for Science Fiction writers featuring creative science fiction ideas, writing prompts, short stories, and advice.
Story Talker jp is a GPT designed specifically for the context of creating science fiction and fantasy stories. Developed by Toru Hasegawa, this tool works on top of ChatGPT and is intended for users who are looking for assistance in crafting compelling
Science Basics Classroom Helps Curriculum & Textbooks By Grade Interactive Learning Branch of Science Videos Social Studies Classroom Helps By Grade Miscellaneous Skills & Concepts Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade...
Science Basics Classroom Helps Curriculum & Textbooks By Grade Interactive Learning Branch of Science Videos Social Studies Classroom Helps By Grade Miscellaneous Skills & Concepts Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade...