Over 80 filmgoers have voted on the 50+ Best G-Rated Science Fiction Movies. Current Top 3: 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Time Machine, The Day the Earth Stood ...
Vote up the best science fiction films from the 1930s below, and be sure to let us know what you think in the comment section. Most divisive: Just Imagine Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best 1930s Sci-Fi Movies HOW RANKINGS WORK...
Fromtheearlydaysofsciencefiction,movieshavegivenus a pictureofthefuture.Whenwesee a movie,weunderstanditfromdifferentpointsofview. "Canitbetrue?How'sthatpossible?" Peopleoftentalktothemselveswhenwatchingsciencefictionmovies.Ifyouare a doctor,youmaythink: "Thatmanwoulddiethatfall." Ifyouare a physicalsc...
From the early days of science fiction (科幻), movies have given us a picture of the future. When we see a movie, we understand it from different points of view. "Can it be true? How's that possible?" People often talk to themselves when watching science fiction movies. If you are ...
From A-Z: A Star Wars Glossary Star Wars Insults and Expletives A Biography of Diminutive Jedi Master Yoda Han Solo Quotation Obi-Wan Kenobi Severed Hands in Star Wars Movies Guide to Jedi's Rules Governing Marriage Biography of the R2-D2 Droid Character in Star Wars Star Wars...
Over 11K filmgoers have voted on the 180+ films on Best Science Fiction Action Movies. Current Top 3: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, The Terminator, Aliens ...
From the early days of science fiction movies have given us a picture of the future. When we see a movie, we understand it from different points of view. "Can it be true?" "How's that possible?" People often talk to themselves when watching science fiction movies. If you are a ...
** - 根据第二段“Star Trek's self-opening doors are now commonly seen at stores and hotels, and the driverless cars from Total Recall (and many other movies) are already on roads.”可知,无人驾驶汽车已经出现在现实生活中。 - 选项D“are dreams came true”表述正确,无人驾驶汽车是梦想照进...
Vote up the best science fiction movies that were released before 1960. Terrifying monsters and unwelcome visitors from space frightened movie-goers in classic sci-fi movies. The best old sci fi movies are often based on famous novels, although some original stories dreamt up by mode...
Many early sci-fi films like the silent classic Metropolis and 1936's Things To Come showed moviegoers amazing visions of the future. In the 40s and 50s many low-budget B-movies were made about scary aliens like The Thing from Another World and Invaders from Mars, but highly-rated sci-...