Macmillan :: Books For Adults: Science Fiction and Fantasy Epic Fantasy BooksScience Fiction and FantasyMacmillan
"What books can we give our teens that don't mire them in a swamp of vampires, domineering wizards or nostalgia for feudalism? These are a few of my personal science fiction favorites for young adults, weighted more toward SF and a little common sense mixed with lots of sense-o-wonder....
Against All Odds is science fiction during the lead up to war. The main character serves in the United Systems Alliance (USA) space navy. The author of this series has written readable fiction with a military theme and managed to convey the horror of warfare, space flight, service to a ca...
For Your Valentine, Ebooks Sale Baen Books is pleased to publish Larry Correia’s great fiction. To celebrate the conclusion of his epic fantasy series in Heart of the Mountain, we’re offering discounts on the first five books of the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series!
to the genre. The first part of the book treats the larger contexts of young adult science fiction and includes chapters on its history and development. Included are discussions of science fiction for young adults in the U.S. and in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Australia. These ...
A Young Adult science fiction novel for readers age 12 and older. A Newbery Honor Book. "Original and charming." --Ursula LeGuin, New York Times Book Review "Not just a novel for young adults but also one of the finest sf novels ever written--a classic of the genre." --Infinity...
The order and the other: Power and subjectivity in young adult science fiction and dystopian literature for adolescents In this dissertation, I establish that it is possible to see the two genres of science fiction for young adults and dystopian literature for adolescents as......
The best sci-fi books stretch our concept of what science can do. From dystopian near-futures to space adventures, you'll love these science fiction books.
Michael Trotta has authored the Best Sci Fi Books, Best Fantasy Novels and eBooks, and Best Science Fiction Books of all time. Top sci fi eBooks for teens and adults. New science fiction author.