A writing resource for Science Fiction writers featuring creative science fiction ideas, writing prompts, short stories, and advice.
Share on Facebook science fiction Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia science fiction n. A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the ...
Science fiction, a core genre under the speculative fiction umbrella, is swarming with story possibilities. Whether you write hard science fiction, space operas, military sci-fi, or steampunk, there are plenty of concepts to explore. So if you're light on ideas or just want to practice your...
Science fiction has come a long way since its early days, when Isaac Asimov defined it as "that branch of literature which is concerned with the impact of scientific advance upon human beings" (Modern Science Fiction, 1953). By the 70s, the genre of science-based ideas had grown; it ...
science fiction, these books explore and exploit the borderlands between accepted science and its fictional counterpart. Uncovering mutual influences, promoting fruitful interaction, narrating and analyzing fictional scenarios, together they serve as a reaction vessel for inspired new ideas in science, ...
Science Fiction Amazon has invented time travel and introduced pre-emptive shipping. Today, you receive something completely unexpected from your future self. Science Fiction A team of scientists have successfully teleported an apple. It reappears with a bite taken out of it. ...
Kindle Book Review – Winner, Best Science Fiction Novel In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. ...
Science Fiction: A Literature of IdeasBarthell, Robert J
Ideas for science fictionOpinion. Examines how the ideas for writing science fiction is generated, questioning where writers get their ideas. Use of discoveries in science and advances in technology in writing science fiction; Discussion of science and technolog...
While there are countless incredible works I could highlight, I'll focus on three of my all-time favorite science fiction books that have really stuck with me. The first is Frank Herbert's epic novel Dune. Published in 1965, this book is widely regarded as one of the most influential ...