Cholera used to be one of the most1(fear) diseases in the world, until a British doctor, John Snow, showed how it could be overcome. This illness causes severe diarrhea, dehydration, and2death. In the early 19thc...
This study finds that spacing and retrieval practice can improve eighth-grade students’ knowledge of history facts across a 9-month period. Article Google Scholar Cepeda, N. J., Vul, E., Rohrer, D., Wixted, J. T. & Pashler, H. Spacing effects in learning: a temporal ridgeline of ...
2023 was a “breakout year” for artificial intelligence. Following the release of OpenAI’sChatGPTat the end of 2022, machine learning has increasingly been in the public eye. A.I. made its way intocourtrooms,musicandartthis year, raising a slew ofethicalconcerns. In the realm of scienc...
Sam. Science is ever-changing with new discoveries updating our understanding all the time. For centuries, the Earth was thought to be the centre of the Universe - but who was the first astronomer to have the correct idea that, in fact,...
Nonetheless, the respondent told the Grand Jury that the form reflected a blood alcohol content of .08%, a fact she knew from other evidence previously introduced before the Grand Jury. Charge two alleges that the respondent altered a document that had been entered into evidence before a Grand...
We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.
The wild success of a few online communities (such as Wikipedia) has obscured the fact that most attempts at forming such communities fail. This study evaluates information seeding, an early-stage intervention to bootstrap online communities that enables contributors to build on externally sourced inf...
13 It doesn't seem fair. After all a map only has a tiny bit of "edge" but plenty of "middle" in which your destination could be situated. Or has it? In fact the chance of picking a destination which is close to the edge of the map is a lot higher than you might expect. ...