BACHELOROFSCIENCEINNURSINGDEGREEPROGRAMME 1.0INTRODUCTION WelcometotheBachelorofScienceDegreeinNursingattheDepartmentofHealthSciences, FacultyofNaturalSciencesoftheOpenUniversityofSriLanka.ThispostRNdegreeprogramme commencedinJuly1994andisbeingofferedtoregisterednursesattherequestoftheMinistryof ...
nanotechnology, optics, aerodynamics, electrical engineering, and countless others. In most cases, however, a course of study in engineering science is a generalist’s degree. By studying engineering science, you will learn about the field of engineering as a whole rather than a specific corner ...
(Hons) degree in Food and M.Phil. degree in Science and Technology from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. She works as a graduate research assistant at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies (NIFS), Sri Lanka. She is a PhD candidate at Auckland University of Technology (AUT),...
degree in Scienceor any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University ofPeradeniya.The medium of instruction and examinations of the programme will be English. Therefore, candidatesshould possess an adequate knowledge of English language.3.PROGRAMME FEELocal...
The candidates for admission to Master's programme must have Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary Science in the concerned discipline as specified by the Veterinary Council of India with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/ST or sponsored candidates) or equivalent CGPA Type: Post...
An environmental course should be a core requirement for any undergraduate degree. This would have the benefit of educating not just potential journalists but also future economists, business leaders, politicians, engineers and so son. Kollmuss’s (2002) recommendation is in the same spirit of the...
These positions are open for candidates with 0–2 years of experience after obtaining PhD degree Level of Study: Doctorate Type: Fellowship Value: Each fellowship will carry a stipend of `40,000/ p.m. consolidated, depending on the level of prior experience of the chosen candidate. In ...
own modernization efforts. For most of the last 40 years, China has had increasingly unencumbered access to these critical repositories of know-how and information, though Chinese leaders also have felt steadily more and more anxious about the degree to which the openness of the world economy ...
The study revealed that gender, mother language, academic grades obtained for English language and general English at the GCE examinations, the stream of study of the degree programme in the University, the number of attempt at the GCE examination to enter the university were the mostly ...
aI think it's better if we stay like good friends rather than try to do business which will never happens the way you wanted to be. I am very sure that I will not either by pass any Sri Lanka Law to short comes our earnings 我认为它是更好的,如果我们停留象好朋友而不是要做将的生意...