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13. Science Comics: The Brain: The Ultimate Thinking Machine (Oct 16, 2018) by Tory Woollcott (Author) , Alex Graudins (Illustrator) 14. Science Comics: Polar Bears: Survival on the Ice (Dec 31, 2018) by Jason Viola (Author) , Zack Giallongo (Illustrator) ...
13. Science Comics: The Brain: The Ultimate Thinking Machine (Oct 16, 2018) by Tory Woollcott (Author) , Alex Graudins (Illustrator) 14. Science Comics: Polar Bears: Survival on the Ice (Dec 31, 2018) by Jason Viola (Author) , Zack Giallongo (Illustrator) ...
This engaging panel discussion delves into the evolving representation of autistic characters in literature, comics, and pop culture, featuring authors and creators who bring authentic perspectives to their work. The conversation highlights the importance of intentionality in storytelling, challenges stereotype...
One of the fantastic comics from XKCD… https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/im_so_random.png What does random actually mean in mathematics? Firstly lets talk about what it doesn’t mean. For most people, being random is akin to being strange, weird or erratic. This has become its common usage...
Join other sci-fi fans in discussing science fiction and fantasy topics. SciFi and fantasy movies, TV, books, comics, art, games and culture! Are you a...
Bamdad's Math Comics by Bamdad Samii (Los Angeles Mission College). mathNEWS by Jennifer Costello (University of Waterloo) Math Jokes | Math in the Media | Engineering School Jokes The Frog and the Engineer | Chocolate Chip Cookies | Truth or Fiction Awarding the Wrong People? | Tom...