Decorating your science classroom? We've got you covered there with plenty of ideas and printables: Set up word walls with science vocabulary regarding the weather, natural disasters, and more. Line your walls with science classroom posters that introduce students to scientific tools like the thermo...
This study aims to explore the meanings communicated by young children with visual cultural semiotic resources available in the science classroom. It is a
Kate was observed during “center-time” in her preschool class. During this observation, Kate was responsible for completing the work at three stations: making a hand print with paint (turkey hand), decorating and gluing feathers on an Indian headdress, and tracing her name on a laminated pi...
Interdisciplinary Learning is always a great thing in my book! Paper helicopters combines art (decorating), engineering (designing and building), and physics (understanding forces). It is accessible. The simple materials and steps make it easy for all kids to participate. Extend the Learning: Expe...
All of the experiments are safe for home or the classroom. Use these dry ice science experiments for a special Halloween party, a memorable science day, a cool winter science center, a science birthday party, or just for fun anytime! With a single block of dry ice you can complete all ...
The goal of critical literacy is to develop students' agency to address inequities they experience in their own lives, to talk back to texts, to open themselves to the stories of others, and to become decision-makers in the classroom and in their communities outside of school. For many crit...
Science is more than a classroom… it's actually pretty difficult to define. Science is not about what we know, but rather about how we face what we don't know. It's not a textbook of principles, set of rules, or collection of factoids. It's a process, a thing you do. Silicones...
How about decorating the tree this year with these super-easy-to-make glow in the dark ornaments? In the light they are sparkly white, in the dark they continue to shimmer and [...] Read More Gumdrop Graphs | Candy Math This week we did a very simple math activity as part of our ...
and FUN ideas for a science party. They can be done for a child’s birthday, but all can easily be adapted for a classroom celebration. All these suggestions aren’t intended to be done at a single party. Instead, pick and choose the activities that would appeal to your child and party...
for all functions in which an awl had been used in prehistoric life, piercing hides and bark, and as s sewing aid (Fig.8b;p < 0.001,d = 0.58, 0.60, 0.80, respectively). There was no significant change regarding the function “decorating objects”, for which students had already...