MeteoriteClassFall/findThermal conductivity (W/m-K)Temperature (k)Reference Norton County Aubrite Fall 1.51 NA Wood (1963) NWA 5515 CK4 Find 1.48 ± 0.01b 200 Opeil et al. (2010) Cold Bokkeveld CM2 Fall 0.50 ± 0.01b 200 Opeil et al. (2010) Allende CV3 Fall 1.4 ±...
Chapter by nobel prize winning author Infectious Diseases 4 Topics 310 Chapters Published 35 Books Published Biomedical Engineering 3 Topics 212 Chapters Published 27 Books Published Biochemistry 4 Topics 516 Chapters Published 60 Books Published Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Natural Fibres...
Chapter Community connections Creating a New Library Book2017,Creating a New Library ValerieFreeman,RebeccaFreeman Explore book 5.25.6Variations • Purchaseeducational gamesfor your collection. There are a lot of new games that are being sold that teach different skills such as coding. ...
这是一本很好的政治学入门书,也是一本好的教科书。好的教科书就应该像《Political Science》一样,它不向你贩售任何理论,而是分析理论脉络,摆出各种理论及其发展中遇到的问题。不过提醒一下,这书推荐看原版。此书的中文版质量太差。国情所限,此类题材书肯定会删节。对照英文版一看,发现这个中文版,真心很差。出于...
Educational videos are increasingly used to let students prepare lesson material at home prior to in-class activities in flipped classrooms. The main chall
Vol. 1 of the proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Computer Science,Intelligent System and Environment (CSISE2011), held at Sept 24-25 2001 in Gaungzhou, China Written by leading experts in the field Part of the book series: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (AINSC, ...
Reference to a chapter in a book: 4. Mettam GR, Adams LB. How to prepare an electronic version of your article. In: Jones BS, Smith RZ, eds. Introduction to the Electronic Age. New York, NY: E-Publishing Inc; 2020:281-304. Reference to a website: 5. Cancer Research UK. Cancer ...
class textbook on data structures and algorithms pros: is a good review as any algorithms textbook would be nice stories from his experiences solving problems in industry and academia code examples in C cons: can be as dense or impenetrable as CLRS, and in some cases, CLRS may be a be...
class textbook on data structures and algorithms pros: is a good review as any algorithms textbook would be nice stories from his experiences solving problems in industry and academia code examples in C cons: can be as dense or impenetrable as CLRS, and in some cases, CLRS may be a be...
A new class of Complex Engineered Systems (CES) has emerged as a resultof technologies such as the Internet, GPS, wireless networking, micro-robotics, MEMS, fiber-optics and nanotechnology. These complex engineered systems are composed of many heterogeneous subsystems and are characterized by ...