Current Biology, Volume 24, Issue 9 The urokinase receptor: Focused cell surface proteolysis, cell adhesion and signaling FEBS Letters, Volume 584, Issue 9 Recent Publications Toxicology in Vitro Volume 104 Virus Research Volume 353 Chemico-Biological Interactions ...
To check the types, use class() or mode(). You can check for or force a specific class by using, for example, is.numeric() or as.numeric(), respectively. This applies to both data and object types (i.e., numeric, integer, double, complex, character, logical, matrix, array, data...
Pre-purification of the class II hydrophobin HFBII using non-ionic aqueous two-phase systems Vereman Jeroen,Thysens Tim,Eline Van Heirzeele,Van Impe Jan&Van de Voorde Ilse Pages: 639-656 Published online:30 Jan 2025 Abstract|Full Text|References|PDF (1.5 MB)|EPUB ...
High performance and high throughput computing (HPC/HTC) is challenged by ever increasing demands on the software stacks and more and more diverging requir 30.03 https://www...
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The Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework has been used by environmental agencies and others to assess environmen
(6) State of implementation, success The controversial interpretation of the “sediment depots” in the Spittelwasser creek (Fig.1in “Radiometric mapping along the Spittelwasser creek—Box 2: Tauw vs. LAF” section) also reflects the different views of science and local administration on the res...
should be a distinctive one that represents the document, this measure simply captures the terms that not only occur more frequently in a document but also occur less frequently in other documents. By using c-TF-IDFFootnote4(Eq.1), the importance of a term within a specific class can be ...
MHC class I following transduction. Mol Ther 2010; 18: 135–42. 14 Miao CH. Advances in overcoming immune responses following hemophilia gene therapy. J Genet Synd Gene Ther 2011; S1: pii:007. 15 Mingozzi F, Chen Y, Edmonson SC et al. ...