Prof. Xu has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt fellow in 1995, the Electronics Letters Premium by IEE, UK in 1998, the Outstanding Paper Award of 21st IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, USA in 1999, the winner of National Science Funds for Outstanding Young Scholars in 2000, the first prize of...
[1998] Modeling differential nonresponse in sample surveys. Sankhya 60, 101-126. (Thomas C. Little and Andrew Gelman) It’s funny about that last paper because Tom Little and I did that project nearly 30 years ago and I forgot about it even while doing applied research on differential nonre...
Improving the Micro-Dimensions of Public Interest Litigation forPersonal Information Protection in ChinaV. CONCLUSIONThe judicial governance of personal information protection in the digital age has gradually become the focus of a...
Awe-inspiring science reporting, technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates. That's Popular Science, 152 years strong.
Each student should come to class with a scatterplot on some interesting topic printed on paper or visible on their computer or phone, and then reveal the plot to the other student in the pair, a bit at a time, starting with the dots only and then successively uncovering units, axes and...
Each training sample xi is a column vector with D dimensions. Let D∈RD×K be a dictionary that contains K atoms. A general dictionary learning model can be determined as follows:minD,A∑i=1N(∥xi−Dai∥22+λ∥ai∥pp)where A=[a1,⋯,aN]∈RK×N is the coding coefficient matrix ...
Our taxon sample was constructed to focus on basal non-monofenestratan pterosaurs (the grade into which Dearc falls) and to mostly exclude taxa known only from immature specimens, which along with ontogenetically highly variable characters can confound phylogenetic analysis. We also excluded some ...
Changes in cell geometry often occur on a slower timescale compared with the rates of reaction and diffusion, so fixed geometry simulations such as those in this paper are often a valid approximation of system dynamics. However, mechanical responses, such as cell shape changes governed by elastici...
2023 年年初,Deepmind 正式推出了 GraphCast,可以在一分钟内对全球未来 10 天的气象,进行分辨率为 0.25° 的预测。 4 月,南京信息工程大学和上海人工智能实验室合作研发了「风乌」气象预测大模型,误差较 GraphCast 进一步降低。随后,华为推出了「盘古」气象大模型。由于模型中引出了三维神经网络,「盘古」的预测准确...
The sample complexity of a multicalibrated predictor (i.e., the amount of data required to learn it) will obviously be larger than that required to learn a predictor that is only calibrated in aggregate over the distribution, and it grows exponentially with the number of class labels. And ...