status 8: awaiting editor final processing 12.5 status 9:major revision(1 month) 12.5 status 1...
Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IX Guest editors: Marco Sebastiani, Edoardo Rossi This Joint Virtual Special Issue at Materials & Design and Materials Science & Engineering A brings together the research community working in the field of experimental mechanics with a focus on...
Materials PVDF-HFP (99 %; Mw ∼ 455,000) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich. PEI (Mw ∼ 628.62, melt index 9 g/10 min (337 °C/6.6 kg) was purchased from Tianjin Heowns OPDE Technologies, LLC, Tianjin, China. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), tetrahydrofuran (THF), and N, N’-di...
前十名,除了Nature子刊,就剩下Wiley的AM(ADVANCED MATERIALS)和其子刊Advanced Energy Materials...
The authors thank LetPub ( for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this article. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 51804107), Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (Grant nos. 2020JJ4260 and 2019JJ5010...
We thank LetPub for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript. L. Gao acknowledges the financial support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 5210040121), Jiangsu Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. BK20210498) and the fe...
Methods and materials Sampling The city of Dongguan is located at 22° 39′–23° 09′ N 13° 31′–114° 15′ E, and is situated in the south of the province of Guangdong. The city is adjacent to the Pearl River Delta, and it is an important industrialized area in China. The atmo...
science, and is open-access. It can be viewed as a journal similar to IEEE Access but less well-known. It is currently indexed in ESCI (Emerging SCI index) in the second quartile but still has a low volume of published papers (about 50 per years according to statistics from LetPub). ...
Wei Wei and Xuezhi Yang contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools. Xuezhi Yang and Wei Wei contributed to writing the manuscript. Conflicts of interest The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. Acknowledgments We thank LetPub ( for its linguistic assistance during the...
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41877228 and 42102303), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (2018B030311066 and 2019A1515010554) and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M663241). We thank LetPub ( fo...