ISO (International Organization for Standardization), NLM (National Library of Medicine), and CASSI (CAS Source Index) represent three distinct journal title abbreviation systems, with ISO being universal, NLM specific to biomedical fields, and CASSI focusing on chemistry-related subjects. ...
and possible mechanisms of water oxidation in the native and artificial photosynthesis.41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 In this chapter, we mainly focus attention on our broken-symmetry (BS) approaches to these important reaction systems, which are accepting great interest in both chemistry and biology....
2004, Journal of Organic Chemistry Radical cyclizations of acylgermanes. New reagent equivalents of the carbonyl radical acceptor synthon 1997, Journal of the American Chemical Society Ab Initio Calculations of the Ring Opening of Cyclobutene-1, 2-diones and Conformational Properties of the Product 1...
科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,简称SCI )是美国科学信息研究所( ISI)的尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield)于1957年在美国费城创办的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引)、EI(工程索引)、ISTP(科技会议录索引)是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具。2020年2月,...