High school upperclassmen can apply for science campClint Thomas
Now in its fifth year, PR 2 EPS is a National Science Foundation funded initiative de-signed to recruit high school students to attend college majoring in the physical sciences, including engineering and secondary science education, and to help ensure their retention within these programs until grad...
“Face recognition” research project needs to use programming to make a complete program and simulation run, which is strange and difficult for high school students. At the beginning, At the beginning, due to the lack of programming knowledge, the students freguently made mistakes on progamming...
The 2018 National Youth University Science Camp kicked off the Jiangsu leg of the tour Wednesday morning at Nanjing-based Southeast University. More than 1,000 high school students from all over the country will experience the wonderful university life in the next week. The National Youth Universit...
Students interested in chemistry can participate in the USNCO, in which they’ll take rigorous exams to prove their skills in the field. Top test-takers will be selected to attend a prestigious Study Camp, where they’ll compete for the chance to represent the U.S. at the International ...
View this School Youth Empowered Action Courses / Programs Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp is a unique and inspiring residential summer leadership program in Massachusetts, California and Oregon for youth 12-17 years who want to make a difference in the world. YEA Camp Massachusetts is held at...
Natureisthebestlaboratoryforlearningaboutnature.Fortenyears,everystudent atWadsworthMiddleSchoolhasbeenlookingforwardtohisorherturntoattendathree-day sciencecamp.1.Sciencecampisimportanttothestudents,andwemustraisethemoney necessarytosaveit. Withoutsciencecamp,studentswillmissoutonauniquelearningexperience.Inscience...
Summer is a great time for high school students to explore their scientific interests. A quality program can introduce them to potential college majors in the sciences, provide hands-on research experience, and strengthen their resumes. Residentialsummer programsalso provide an excellent introduction to...
In addition, our goal was to increase our knowledge of pedagogical strategies that can help facilitate students learn the process of design in the middle-school level. Nine instructors, divided into teams, instructed the curriculum and collected data during a two-week summer science camp for 38 ...
Nature is the best laboratory for learning about nature. For ten years, every student at Wadsworth Middle School has been looking forward to his or her turn to attend a three-day science camp.1.Science camp is important to the students, and we must raise the money necessary to save it. ...