A. Feedback in written instruction: the place of response certitude. Educ. Psychol. Rev. 1, 279–308 (1989). Article Google Scholar Pan, S. C., Hutter, S. A., D’Andrea, D., Unwalla, D. & Rickard, T. C. In search of transfer following cued recall practice: the case of ...
Further, the data were obtained from communication in a computer-mediated environment in the written mode, which precludes being able to analyse facial expression, tone, and intonation as clues to assist interpretation. In such a situation, it is conceived that the description of functions might ...
He is also a marionettist, and performs original plays written in ballad form. Bolivar's poetry has appeared on the pages of such publications as Spectral Realms and Black Wings of Cthulhu VI. His collection of weird balladry and Jack tales, The Lay of Old Hex, is forthcoming from ...
The chapter is written from the perspective of two Deaf DRR practitioners (Leilani and Nick Craig) working in partnership with an international team to make DiDRR a lived reality in South-East Asia. The chapter is divided into three sections. Section 13.2 provides an overview of how Leilani ...
in either a gain perspective (“You have so much to gain by practicing these steps”) or a loss perspective (“You have so much to lose by not following these steps”). Within the loss- and gain-framed conditions, the messages were written in three different ways, and participants were ...
It has the feel of the movies and the story line is getting more complicated and is really very original and well- written. I went around the exhibit hall one more time, and finally broke down and bought one thing. I've always admired the artwork at the Heroic Fine Art booth. We're...
In the present study, we identified the nature of the association between CDH13 and CRC, and found that the interaction between APN and CDH13 was related to both the CRC risk and the plasma adiponectin level. Methods Ethics statement Written informed consent was obtained from all study participa...
More recently, doctoral programs in countries like Korea and Taiwan have implemented policies requiring publication in international indexed journals as part of the requirements for conferring the doctorate degree to students who have already completed their research and written their dissertations. These ...
(2018). It took the form of a written questionnaire sent to 600 households in the coastal municipality of Lomma, in the Scania region of Sweden. This area was selected as it is expected to be one of the Swedish regions hardest hit by climate change (Hall et al.2015; SCCV2007). ...
I also ducked that challenge in the two other stories I’ve written in the sequence so far, “Hotshot” (which appears in Jonathan Strahan’s latest anthology Reach for Infinity), and “Giants” (which appears in an invisible book put out by Chaosium, although it may be appearing elsewhere...