如果说“实在论”是具体的、理性的、“确定的”知识,是“可知”世界的全部,那么科学正是在处理这种事情,它是对这部分世界的工具理性改造,是它大有可为的地方。 但科学的疆域也仅限于此,在理性的知识极限以外,即科学所抵达不了的那岸的世界,哲学才会生发。就是这样的哲学,才让人们始终保持,对现有知识所… ...
science vs art 媛媛老师Yana 学习是最好的投资At present, science has been developing at a high speed, but people still have a high opinion of artists. What can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot? Artistic activities are an indispensable part of people's life despite the rapid...
Letters,Science,Art —— 莱斯大学 莱斯大学(Rice University)由得克萨斯州的棉花巨富威廉·马歇尔·莱斯(W. M. Rice)在1891年创建于美国第四大城市休斯敦市,被称为美国南方最高学府,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,享有“新常春藤”的盛誉。 校训:文学、科学和艺术 Letters,Science,Art 莱斯大学保持着“小而精...
Art Science是一个探索艺术与科技交叉领域的学科,它融合了艺术、媒体与科技的元素,旨在开发新的跨学科艺术形式并探索艺术与新兴科技之
My science art is in the Oceanside Museum of Art! Artwork/Conference/Microscopya/Science Communication November 11, 2021 What a wonderful dream come true! Check out my exhibition at the wonderful Oceanside Museum of Art, showcasing my science drawings, fashion and jewelry. If you're in the ar...
Things that blur the line between art and craft, enriching our lives in the process. A comprehensive perspective on food. Nature's bounty, something both ordinary and extraordinary. The perfect balance in the daily indulgence of life’s pleasures. ...
“science is art”实验研究部杨江研究员在活动总结上说道,科学和艺术之间具有相似性,特别是在创造性和美学方面。科学实验的设计、数据的呈现、以及对自然规律的揭示都可以展现出与艺术创作相似的美感和创造性。 显微镜下,微观世界翩跹飞舞 细胞轻语,揭示...
Art+Science A most fascinating intersection!Paul Clip Browse the Archive »