We urgently need national institutions and international governance to enforce standards that prevent recklessness and misuse. Many areas of technology, from pharmaceuticals to financial systems and nuclear energy, show that society requi...
2015年11月26日,《Science》在线发表了北京航空航天大学材料学院赵立东教授等学者在硒化锡热电材料上取得的突破性研究成果——应用硒化锡独有的特殊电子能带结构和多谷效应,可以将其在300-773K宽温区范围内的热电性能大幅提高。论文名称为《Ultra-high power factor...
We have consistently top-ranked in lab design and science and technology facilities in industry surveys. Our lab design projects have won numerous design awards, including 10 of R&D Magazine’s Lab of the Year awards. We’ve designed a lab for the next-generation scientist. We've taken contai...
recently showcased its driverless technology on city streets in Yokohama March 08 Out of the lab and into the streets, researchers and doctors rally for science against Trump cuts Researchers, doctors, their patients and supporters are venturing out of labs, hospitals and offices across the country...
Boraschi and her Ph.D. student Yang Wenjie in the lab in this undated file photo.“I really hope we can make a meaningful contribution to expanding Shenzhen’s engagement in biomedical sciences at every level, from basic research to industrial development.”“我真的希望我们能够为扩大深圳在各个...
We offerconsultingto help clients develop gas separation processes and test adsorbent materials, and we have a fully equipped lab in Hialeah (Greater Miami), Florida, where we performadsorbent materialstesting(adsorption isotherm measurements, breakthrough measurements, PSA cycle testing). ...
financial support, I recommended that scholars from different disciplines move their offices into the same building, for example, to share our state key lab. That way they will be able to bump into each other every day, and maybe one of these casual interactions will spark new research ideas...
6. China's space lab starts formal operation China's Tiangong space station, which is also the national space laboratory, has been put into operation, pushing forward space applications and achieving results, according to the China Manned Space Agency in August. ...
Non-fullerene acceptors help organic solar cells achieve high performance, transforming organic photovoltaics into a useful technology. Q&A|04 March 2025 Lab-to-fab progress for organic photovoltaics Derya Baran, an associate professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Department of ...
Catalysis Science & Technology is a leading international journal for the publication of the highest impact articles reporting cutting-edge developments across the catalysis science community. The journal places equal focus on publications from the heterogeneous, homogeneous, organocatalysis and biocatalysis co...