Hailed as one of the best films in the Star Trek franchise, this exciting sequel sees Admiral Kirk and his crew facing off against the wrathful and vengeful Khan Noonien Singh. With its thrilling space battles, emotionally charged plot, and standout performances from the iconic cast, this movi...
We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.
Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001 Family Calostomataceae E. Fisch. 1900 Family Coniophoraceae Ulbr. 1928 Family Diplocystidiaceae Kreisel 1974 Family Gasterellaceae Zeller 1948 Family Gomphidiaceae Maire ex Jülich 1982 Family Gyroporaceae (Singer) Manfr. Binder & Bresinsky 2002 ...
The GlobalTort blog provides expert commentary on the use of genomics in tort litigation, and other issues arising at the intersections between torts, science, insurance and bankruptcy law.
However, we should recognize that Locard's doctrine is, and always has been, an assumption—plausible enough, but not an immutable law drawn after a systematic study or experimentation. Locard himself never postulated the principle, although in his writings he provided numerous practical examples in...
Quoted, without citation, in Harris Elliott Kirk, A Man of Property: Or, The Jacob Saga (1935), 45. Also in Howard W. Eves, Return to Mathematical Circles, (1988), 68. Science quotes on: | Add (42) | Desire (212) | Do (1905) | Happy (108) | Man (2252) | Subtract (2) ...
that are awfully familiar to the present day and even this present moment as abortion rights are constrained and there are stirrings of wanting to end no-fault divorce in some states and reducing the age of consent. And, finally, the Martiniere’s definitely run on old school Salic Law. ...
The result is that the most influential components of the generation are opposites, hot and cold. — Hippolytus Hippolytus, Refutation, 1.7.1. In G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven and M. Schofield (eds.), The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts (1983), p. ...
James T. Kirk, ___. Cadet Kirk, ___ has been submitted (呈递) to this council, ___ that you ___ the ethical code of conduct pursuing to regulation ___ of the Starfleet code. Is there ___ you care to say before we ___, sir? Yes. I ___ I have the right to...
It's up to Mel to save Cathy from a mistake she might regret for all eternity.) Leisner, William -- The Shocks of Adversity $7.99 (Star Trek: PBO; On a mission to investigate an interstellar phenomenon, Captain Kirk and his crew find themselves drawn into a conflict between the Goeg ...